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Everything posted by RedDash16

  1. Hey, if any of you guys want to try out the WAD I'm working on right now, feedback would very much be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance guys.


    Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kdQP70aJcToHf0QFBUkdb6G0eRlp9BBd

    1. Marlamir


      Maybe try to make some of the wall less empty. Some outdoor window or something will be nicely fitting i think. 

  2. QohHioq.png

    Got a strange hole in one of my maps :s can't figure out what has caused this.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RedDash16
    3. Misty


      I forgot which key helps to check overlapping sectors, missing textures and such, but it's located between f5-f10 far as I can remember. 

    4. leodoom85


      Use F4 to find overlapped sectors or offgrid vertices

  3. Random mapping screenshot


  4. Hey everyone, I'm still here using this website. Been distracted with life and had no time to practice my doom mapping. (I'm getting engaged soon (fingers crossed)) so I've been very busy. I'm still working on DooM Maps, I'm throwing many away as I keep feeling they aren't very good. but my love for DooM isn't going away anytime soon and I'm gonna keep going. 



    1. Marlamir


      Nice to hear you are still alive :)

  5. First doom map I've tried to make in 7 months or so


    Needs: GZDoom/Zandronum
    DOOM 2


    It might be rough and a bit rubbish but it's my first time mapping in an age.

    1. RedDash16


      It's only a really short opener map.

    2. Marlamir


      I really like the potential in this map. I would personally change the startan texture in some places because in today era startan make unfinished feeling to map. Try to play with detailing thats all i can say. Nice work after the pause

  6. I've just uploaded all the WADS I've made in the past including an unrelased one which was like 80% done (The Boom One)


    They're all here: http://dash16.red/doom/


  7. Hello, Doomworld it has been a very long time indeed. I'm back and alive thankfully.

    Great to see this site as active as ever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedDash16


      Hey :), Thanks.

      The Notification sound just gave me a heart attack nearly.

    3. Marlamir


      Welcome back synndra

    4. Misty


      Nice to know, that you're still alive ;)

  8. Hey Guys, still alive. Warframe addiction distracting me from mapping.

    I'm very close to finishing my next WAD

    This one is in Boom Format.

    1. Khorus


      Hope you'll be back someday, you certainly showed promise!

  9. Heyo everyone, haven't been on here for a bit, been coding video games and settling to new employment :D.


    Working on maps still 


    Also, thanks a butt ton to "Kills Alone" for playing my wad in this video, I appreciate it so much.



  10. Been busy with a lot of stuff, less time to map.. so painful.  anywhom here is a screenshot. I'm working on MAP05 of my boom mapset. Honestly this has been tons of fun.




  11. More screenshots of my maps :D


    IMGUR ALBUM: https://imgur.com/a/0fVdy

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedDash16


      @Glaice I got into making vanilla doom maps. started with one and decided to make a few :)

    3. RedDash16


      @Marlamir I'm very persistent... xD

    4. Marlamir
  12. Another map screeny :)



  13. So I've been making maps in boom format and have tons of fun. creating a very episode 1 inspired set of maps. I might make more boom format maps in the future this is fun.


    MAP01: Crux



    MAP02: Out of the closet



    MAP03: Green and Mean



    If anyone would like a test copy of the maps lemme know. :0

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Misty


      Yes, you got it right ;) Now do that with other places and you'll be good, besides texture alignments ;)

    3. RedDash16


      Yeah, it's not a finished wad :) I tend to polish up my textures near the end xD

    4. Misty


      I do this while I'm mapping, so when it comes testing phase, I'll be less annoyed by texture misalignments and focus on more important tasks like gameplay adjustments. 

  14. I need some peeps to test 3 of my new maps :)

    Here is the PK3: http://synndra.net/wad/Syns/Syns.pk3

    Runs on: ZDoom, GZDoom, QZDoom and Zandronum

    Format: UDMF



    Thanks a ton if you play them :D

  15. Footage of the first level of my new wad.



  16. Hey everyone :o

    Made a new swanky page to download my wads at.

    I'm working on a 3rd mapset but I'm taking my time and trying to improve my monster placement and general map making.




    Thanks to everyone who has given me tips and helpful criticism by the way you've all been very inspirational. my aspiration to become a better DooM content maker has grown!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Pff, sissy. Real men make their sites in bare HTML, the way our grandfathers did it in '96 on their geocities page.

    3. RedDash16
    4. RedDash16


      Real men make all their sites in Microsoft Frontpage 95 m8.

  17. Random pic of work on a map


    1. RedDash16
    2. Misty


      I would replace that lava flat texture into proper lavafall from cc4-tex or recoloured doom texture pack.

    3. RedDash16
  18. Sorry for the silence, been playing lots of Destiny 2 and been busy with work.

    I'm still working on my next doom wad, I've just had to make a lot of drastic changes to my maps.

    1. RedDash16


      Destiny 2 is an overall improvement on the first game for sure. they really made the grind less painful and the overall story is better (since it is there).


      Honestly I would consider getting it if you liked the first one (I hated the first one but I love Destiny 2).


      If you happen to be an Xbox user feel free to add me (GT: Synndra) I'd gladly party up sometime.

    2. RedDash16


      It's kind of an issue with me to say sorry for everything.. sorr- oops.

    3. RedDash16


      Sadly, no cross play, Sony won't allow it. :z although they're in talks with Microsoft right now.

  19. Anyone got any good monster placement tips?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SleepyVelvet


      I usually work on, or at least pre-plan, any setpiece/gimmick encounters first.  Then, coat the map with broad strokes of filler.  Then, I try to go over it and see if there are any places that benefit from more detailed monster use, like sometimes even arbitrarily saying "this area will have like a dense wall of zombiemen cuz I feel like it"; eventually the monster composition in the map will crisp up and have more contrast each time you go over it.  Bob Ross it up.


      Filler: I like having sneaky shotgunners behind pillars and in nooks and crannies.  then fill in some imps in the center of rooms or on ledges to bait the player.  If there is an ssg in the map, revenants are good to throw in close/medium quarters; feel free to group multiples together at a time even.


      Other random notes: pinkies can be mixed into fights as obstacle monsters that would otherwise be just a trivial circlestrafe, but can otherwise be just an unnecessary ammo tax if they are just incidentially sprinkled in (spectres in the dark, tho, can fuck people up gud).  Mancubus and arachnotrons seem to be good turrets in large areas or long hallways; arachnotrons can also be good off their post as prowling monsters in a larger sandbox, like in a city map


      Also, halfway through the map make sure you teleport in like 17 archviles that the person has to fight when they backtrack.  This is the most important point in mapping trust me.

    3. TootsyBowl


      Chaingunners everywhere.

    4. RedDash16


      Thank you all very much, I've been trying to work on my maps game-play lately. this is all so very useful^^

  20. More mapping progress on the 4th map of my new WAD. Nearly burnt out on mapping for a bit so gonna do another play through of other wads to get some inspiration.


    1. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Yeah, if you keep pushing, you'll get burnt out.  I try to take a few breaks per week, where I either play other games, map for another game (Quake), or do something entirely non-game related.

    2. baja blast rd.

      baja blast rd.

      Also a really good idea to put in the hours studying good maps too.

  21. My next mapset is six maps I've already done 4 they seem to be a big improvement from what I've been told by some play testers.

  22. I made a first impressions of Russian Overkill on my youtube channel



    1. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      lol the Excalibat... I like how that one looks.

  23. Christ it's nearly 3am, time to stop being productive.

  24. Your avatar is a thing of sheer beauty.

    1. CorianderCastor


      Thank you kindly. It was a project for my digital arts course where I had to digitize a sketch. I still have the original horse scan and GIMP file, but I lost the physical copy.

  25. My first 3 maps of my new wad/pk3






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