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Everything posted by RedDash16
If anyone would like to test my latest mapset/mod here is a link to an unfinished version:
Format: UDMF
SourcePorts: Zandronum, ZDoom, QZDoom and GZDoom.
Freelook: Yes
Jumping: No
Crouching: No
The map layout itself looks really interesting. a few points of interest you might want to look at.
Screenshot 1: The knight statues dont really look that nice.(In my opinion) and the lighting on the ceiling looks a bit odd. this can be fixed by raising the ceiling sectors up a bit higher (But leave the sectors around it without a texture!) This will cause the ceiling texture thats there to use the same light level as the textures around it.
Screenshot 2: You have an outdoor area here. very nice. Note the lava fall texture in the central pillar. with it being flush against the wall, it looks a bit sloppy. Try indending it a bit to make it look like its actually falling.
Also, with the sky texture being there, I would suggest for realism to not make the sectors next to it so dark. The lighting from the sky would realistically provide a bit more light than its currently meant to be providing.
Please note though, these are just my opinions. Ultimately, this map is something YOU are wanting to design. it doesnt matter what other people think as long as you enjoy designing it and are happy with the final product. I'm getting a very egyptian feel from this map, which is impressive considering it looks like you're only using the vanillia textures.
Screenshot thing #1
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Smooth DooM :)
Anyone know any interesting enemy combos?
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They're all good. Work on presentation, such as monster closets, teleport ambushes, etc.
Also try an experiment with 100+ of two types of monsters in a big room and let them fight each other to death to get a feel for their infighting relationship. Just by observing what happens, it will give you some good ideas of what to try on a much smaller scale in your maps.
I might suggest,
Baron Army vs 1 Spiderdemon(for a literal Game of Thrones)
Mancubi army vs Cyberdemon(FLAME RUSH)
Spiderdemon vs A HUUUGE army of chain-gunners( let's see who rocks)
Cacodemon army vs Shotgunner army
And Finally....
100,000 Revenants fighting to the death!!!
Just realized Dark Harvest didn't have ANIMDEFS oops.
I must have forgot to copy it to the pk3
Having a lot of fun learning ZDOOM and how to add custom content like weapons and monsters.
Having fun is good. When it comes to mapping, getting the basics right before messing around with stuff that changes gameplay is important. Weak gameplay in a wad which is almost "bloated" with custom content is not something you want to see happen to your maps.
Valiant (a 32 map megawad) had two custom weapons (pistol and chaingun replaced) and a bit more than a handful of custom enemies (some of which replaced traditional doom monsters, namely imps and demons to avoid overlapping combat roles). And we're talking about a very experienced mapper in this case. Adding stuff within reason usually is a good way of doing things, unless of course you simply want to experiment with stuff.
Have fun doing what you're doing, but try not to get ahead of yourself is what I'm trying to actually say here.
Since you said you wanna create your own game based on doom's engine one day, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of actually understanding all the basics properly before doing so, because the way doom does things might severely impact what you can and can't do in terms of your future ideas.
Thank you kindly for the advice. I'm just messing with ZDoom to learn bits about the engine in general. I still plan on making regular doom maps to practice my general mapping skills and learn how to make the regular monsters flow well etc.
I am pretty much just experimenting at the moment.
I'm nearly done with my new short WAD, 4 levels.
Just touching up the maps, aligning textures etc.
I made a very small short map01 length map. if you guys wanna try it out I'll attach a zip
Still new to mapping so I'm spooked.
Tested on: GZDoom, ZDoom, Zandronum and QZDoom
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Wow that's awesome, that's one tough skeleton.
Also thanks for playing xD
A few things for when you want to get people to download and play your map:
The ports in which you tested your map are certainly good to know, but you should also include the format in which you have been mapping, because that information is not only relevant, it is also more precise, since most people know what their favourite sourceports can and can't do.
A few screenies might help as well, just to get the appetite going.
Cheers, I was just putting it up for the hell of it, it was an unfinished version.
but i'll make sure to post the map format next time
Thank you :)
I'm gonna be echoing what Bzzrak said when you posted your previous screenie of this. There's a concerning amount of corridors leading basically everyhwere, and by the looks of it there's also some pinkies in there, which will be ammo sinks, and nothing else. If you add to that that you facilitate the "getting around" with teleporters, you have a map which will make it difficult for people to actually "understand", especially since every actual room is so far away from another one at times.
You could comfortably remove most of these corridors in favour of a more intuitive layout, while still keeping the idea of a "vent shaft" intact.
Layouts like these are the very reason I always recommend people to look at stuff like Valiant, which serves as a good showcase of how areas can get connected.
If you want for players to crawl through a vent shaft, then that's perfectly fine, but judged solely on that screenie, there's a would-be atmospherical highlight that turned into a cental motif of the map such as it is, and unfortunately 64-wide corridors/hallways usually don't make for interesting gameplay (because what can you actually put in a 64 wide hallway?).
That aside, square shaped rooms are nice to start with if you just want something which players can move around in, however, since doom is a game about movement as much as it is about shooting, the shape of rooms dictate movement, and thus the shapes of rooms dictate how gameplay works. So, if you limit yourself to square shaped rooms, no matter how detailed, you also limit what kind of gameplay you can put in your map.
@Nine Inch Heels Thanks so much for all this feedback, I'm gonna take sometime and try out some other wads and perhaps just play some of the iWADs for inspiration.
Inside the "vents" are imps and a cacodemon. the pinkies are a bit away from it.
Honestly I do agree that perhaps thin corridors like that probably don't suit dooms gameplay style, I probably haven't thought them through properly.
I don't know what would be the best way to "de squairify" my current rooms.
Anyway, thanks a bunch this all helps very much.
I just want to eventually be a great mapper and make some fun doom levels and like I said in my original post on the forums, I'd love to one day make a unique game in the DOOM engine. (I've already got programming experience from some of my previous ventures/jobs)
Sorry I'm rambling, thank you very much for the help, I've honestly loved being on this site, it's nice to meet people on the internet with more than 6 brain cells :).
Having some square-shaped rooms isn't something that's "problematic", for lack of a better term, but trying round shapes or so can work wonders... If you need inspiration for shapes of rooms, play "Miasma", but probably best for you not to try it on UV (it's a tad more challenging than what is "normal"). Rooms there have all kinds of shapes and sizes.
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@bzzrak Is there some kind of standard against paths of that size?, it's barely any of my map to be honest.
Most of it is connected via teleporters.
What's your profile pic from or did you draw it?
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Oh god I love Dawn of War... especially Soulstorm and the 3rd game.
3 is awesome!. Soulstorm will forever be my fav.
If you ever feel like it maybe we could play? :o
Anyway I can make a completely transparent wall in GZDOOM builder?
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Or make an impasable sector
UDMF map format has a "block everything" property. It doesn't block explosions, though. A rocket to one side still damages the other side. I think a transparent 3d floor could fix that.
Or a ceiling lowered to the floor, with untextured walls. Pretty sure there's some way to make them in the traditional engine, TNT.wad has invisible walls in some levels.
Just updated my WAD it includes my 4th map however it's unfinished and semi broke. you can just find it by doing "map NM04"
Hey, if anyone is good with GZDoom builder I need some help, the faded yellow and red highlights on walls that appear when you select them is no longer showing up, I'm wondering if I've toggled something off by mistake.
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using H to disable the highlights is really good when trying to manually allign textures. you can still move the texture, theres just no highlight distortin it.
After a night of YouTube, WAD Making and dying from how warm it is, it's time for bed. 3AM is a rubbish time to be awake.
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I ended up going to bed.
twas 3am in Jolly Old England.
Just heard the news about Half Life 3 being leaked.
Eurgh valve just don't care anymore.
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Well now that we have a clear idea on how the plot would've been, perhaps someone or bunch of people will make their own mod based on it in the future.
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LOL... How is it possible for rodster to have posted a comment 4 minutes ago, in spite of it not showing up for me while I wrote mine in less than a minute?
Anyway, in case nothing works, you can always provide a downoad for that WIP and let people have a look. When you start mapping, these problem can happen on occasion due to not entirely understanding how all the stuff actually works. Usually it's not a big deal, but if you don't find such an issue early, and you end up with a detailed area with several hundred vertices, then it will be harder to find the source of the problem.
Another thing you could look for is if there's 2 linedefs crossing one another without there being a vertice where they "touch", so to speak.
Hey, Thank you all for your replies I believe it was something to do with my lines. I ended up just remaking the sector and everything seems to be okay. I got much more responses than I thought I would. Thanks a ton everyone :)
be sure to test the map in several source-ports to be on the safe side of things. Some ports, like GZDoom, compensate for some mapping issues entirely automatically, while others might not do that. So if your map is going to get released publically at some point, it might be a good idea to have a look at that.