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About KillPixel

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  1. gzdoom stays between 300 and 600fps for me at 4k with a weak card (1660S) using vulkan/hardware acceleration.
  2. A good resource for trivial and inconsequential information (e.g. when and where was Leo Tolstoy born, or how many GTX 8800s were produced, etc). But for information regarding anything relevant or consequential, such as social and political stuff, I think it's unreliable at best, so I look elsewhere.
  3. Good recs again, I have going down on my to-play list, i'll check out the others. I quite liked revilition, isn't devilution still in development? will check it out.
  4. Good recs as I've sampled all of those. Really can't get into valiant, ancient aliens, heartland and eviternity (btsx doesn't grip me either). I recognize they are legitimately great, but they stray too far from what I want out of doom, mostly on an aesthetic level. I'm shallow and a bad person. I want short, concise, challenging and classically styled maps, ideally. there are wads that I love that break away from this, however, such as whispers of satan and hellbound, which get flak for being too easy, conventional and long winded.
  5. I hope so too. I like plutonia(s), scythe 1, alien vendetta, unholy realms, etc. looking for more of that and perhaps a bit more challenging. there's a sweet spot there somewhere between plutonia and sunlust, and I'm trying to find it :P
  6. plutonia revisited 2, kama sutra and japanese community project. next up are speed of doom, scythe 2 and resurgence.
  7. It is a relatively niche aesthetic and not easily done well. It's more than just a filter and bit-crunching, much like black & white cinematography isn't simply the absence of color. It's a style (and not merely visual), and whether or not it's the appropriate direction of a given project depends on the goals of the developer. If the primary objective is to have the broadest appeal and sell as many units as possible, then the aesthetic may not be the right pick (I can't imagine Marvel or Transformer movies being as popular if they were black & white or sepia). That's a valid and practical approach to game dev - it is the norm, after all. However, targeting a niche audience (yourself included) is also a valid approach. Again, depends on a variety of factors: goals, resources, desires, etc.
  8. that's it, for some reason it's writing to appdata. just checked and permissions have not changed, it should be able to write in the base dir no problem. maybe there's a new option I'm missing? I'll dig around. Thanks!
  9. interesting. disableautoload wasn't enabled. for some reason i can't get gzdoom to generate a fresh .ini...
  10. recently updated gzdoom from 4.6 and autoloading mods via .ini is no longer working. i can't find any info on this. has the feature changed or is there a mistake on my end?
  11. I acquired it practically the day it was released and don't remember how since that was 12 years ago... I think it ships with Doom3 BFG, should be able to grab the wad there.
  12. Alien Vendetta Hellbound Plutonia 2 No Rest for the Living Whispers of Satan
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