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About Raheem

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Thanks for solving this issue for me, as well as providing such a detailed explanation for it!
  2. No I just edit the files in PAK000.pk4, the one in the d3xp folder by default after you install ROE. I actually don't know how to make a custom .pk4.
  3. I'm trying to play Resurrection of Evil without having any armor equipped, and also making it so that I am unable to pickup any of the armor items in a level. I did this successfully with the base Doom3 by simply changing the armor properties in the player def file to 0. I've not been able to replicate this in ROE however. I've tried editing the file d3xp-player.def (pak000.pk4\def\d3xp-player.def), changing armor and max armor, under //stats, both to "0" respectively. In game however, no change takes effect. I'm able to spawn in with armor and also pick up other pieces of armor. Going back to the def files, the numbers remain at 0, so nothing i'm doing in the def file is having any effect in game it appears...
  4. I'm currently looking for any support on starting a DOOM 2016 Multiplayer league on PS4.


    Please read this post:

    And, if your interested, provide any support you would like to give.



  5. Set your notification sound as the plasma rifle fire sfx on your phone. Now you will actually enjoy it the next time someone spams you. Enjoy :)


    Download from here: http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/archives/olddoom/music.htm

    1. everennui


      With the lack of low and mid range dynamics in a cell phone, I can only imagine the PR sounding like a thousand finger nails scratching a chalk board.


    2. Voros


      The Revenant sight sound's a better way to "notify" you.

  6. What is your favourite animal?


    Can you guess mine ;)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MrGlide


      There are so many to choose from. I don't know.

    3. CyberDemonEmpress


      Tarantulas of all kinds are my favorite.

    4. The_MártonJános
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