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Everything posted by DavidN

  1. Is it possible that wadext is extracting the patches rather than the textures? Several of them have the same names as the textures they eventually create, but many textures are made up of multiple patches with different names... Nevertheless, Slade 3 will definitely be able to do it - load the wad, go to the texture browser in the menu bar, then select them all and right click to export to PNG.
  2. Sounds great Shawny :) If you find players consistently missing the super shotgun/rocket launcher choice, think about how you can make the choice clearer to them - in my case, I explored the initial area and then came downstairs to find a switch right in front of me - and when there's a switch right in front of you in Doom, you press it! Perhaps a route where the player can see both switches at the same time would help get across the idea that there's a choice to be made.
  3. Here you are, whenever processing completes! I really love the look of these - like others mentioned I'm not sure if they resemble the Doom 2 maps all that much, but that's no bad thing - it feels like a new WAD that maybe takes a couple of loose themes from the original levels. Your mapping style flows together so nicely, and the detailing is amazing... I'm looking forward to more though I know it'll be a challenge to keep up this level of detail in a solo project for 32 maps!
  4. Thanks Omniarch! Yes, during NaNoWADMo 2020 I hired a digital paint artist to make a landscape background and a few buildings, then I put them together into an intermission map screen. I love these as well and I really feel they make WADs feel much more like a continuous campaign rather than just a set of levels. The artist I hired was https://www.fiverr.com/knezha, and her style worked really well when adapted to Doom's format :)
  5. BDLite by definition :) I had a try at slimming down the Brutal Doom experience to a more consistent and lightweight mod.
  6. Here's a playthrough :) I point out a lot of small things as I go through, but this is an interesting first map with a lot of GZDoomery included! Some of your texture choices are confusing, but that's to be expected if you haven't played Doom to death for decades and know the usual context behind all of them. And I really liked the way that the route back from the blue key changes - even in a lot of seasoned Doom mappers' WADs, I don't often see monster closets given a context like that.
  7. I thought of old JRPGs as well when I saw the topic title, where characters would walk in place waiting to be spoken to. On a practical level, maybe it's to indicate that this is someone who can be spoken to - or in Doom's case, a way of helping the player pick out threats due to the movement even if the monster hasn't been woken.
  8. Wow, you went from fumbling to import textures to a really good-looking room very quickly! Hope you enjoy working with Doom - it’s a very satisfying environment :)
  9. E1M1's a popular map to recreate, but what about E3M1? Hell Keep's rubbish. Here's a better one! Single-level Classic style IWAD: Doom 1 Tested on: GZDoom, PRBoom Compatibility: Vanilla http://files.teamouse.net/doom/wads/HELLKP-B.wad This is a Doom 1 replacement for the first level of Inferno, made in a weekend on a whim.. The idea was to keep to general rooms of the original map, but flesh them out more to make it less basic, forming what I'm arrogantly calling "Hell Keep: Better Edition". I'd intended to make it something that could have conceivably been in the IWAD, but I think the visual style drifted a bit away from it - nevertheless, it's vanilla-compatible with no visplane overflows in sight. I also want to use this as a call to action - I'd love to see more E3M1 remakes! It needs them :) http://files.teamouse.net/doom/wads/HELLKP-B.wad
  10. This just keeps getting more and more incredible as it goes! I hope that your hard drive is OK - from what you've described it sounds more like a memory or other hardware problem, if it can still boot for a small amount of time. To bolster you again, here's a playthrough of E1M4 and E1M5! I'm sorry the microphone volume is so low - Windows decided to lower the volume itself (likely because I was recording vocals the previous night). Fortunately, I've recently discovered how to record two separate audio channels in OBS, so I should be able to repair any random interference like this in future.
  11. Thanks :) One more bump just to have all the commentary videos in one place
  12. It would probably have been thought of as an ambitious engine that was ahead of its time, but left the real fame to whatever built on it and made it more playable - it would be the Wolf3D to whatever other game superseded it. The SNES version is a legitimate technical marvel, even as potato-like as its appearance is. But it would also depend a lot on whether you’re including the editing possibilities in this hypothetical “3DO PC version” - that’s really why we’re here :)
  13. Absolutely incredible for a second released map - I love the aesthetics of it, the bright green cutting through the techbase. It makes it so much more than just another generic techbase map, it really has its own style. I definitely felt the lack of ammunition as well - I'm not really sure of a solution if you want the player to rely on Berserk more, as it can be very difficult to telegraph to a player what you want them to do if it's non-standard. For the freelook/jumping - I would say that disallowing jump/crouch is fine because allowing them to be optional means the player can sequence-break very easily... but freelook seems benign enough to have as an option to me, unless there are any places where you absolutely need the player not to shoot a switch, for example, from above or below.
  14. Thank you for all the great videos - I'm sorry for any that I haven't acknowledged yet! I'm currently making a final version to go out on to idgames, which will address a couple of the annoyances. I've started a commentary playthrough of my own, as well!
  15. Aaaagh! A tragic death on MAP02 where I thought I was doing really well and then was absolutely annihilated by a rocket in the back. Category Standard 1 MAP02 death with 52 kills http://files.teamouse.net/doom/demos/dxndwi54.lmp
  16. I don't usually like horror mods because I have chronic anxiety and am too wimpy to play them! But they can be done really effectively - Cabin by @UndeadRyker was one recently that I enjoyed. In a game like Doom where you have a lot of weaponry at your disposal, though, you'd want to severely limit what's available to the player - nothing's frightening if you're skulking around the woods with a Brutal Doom minigun in hand.
  17. All right, this is absolutely ridiculous - how is this your first map?! What an ambitious and incredible project - I love how... overdone everything is (even secrets which could reasonably have been little closets have clever tricks to them that make them wind around into previously seen portions of the map). The map's take on "base being corrupted by hell" is great, it feels much more organically entwined like Doom Eternal does instead of just being a base with some hell textures in it. Here is my experience!
  18. These look great, thanks for making them available!
  19. All right, let's take stock of where I am with this :) I started episode 3 tonight and am about a third of the way through it - and just like I said for the first two episodes, you continue your amazing talent for using the building blocks of the game in new and unexpected ways! I'm completely unfamiliar with how any of Doom 64 works so even the normal stuff sometimes comes as a surprise to me. Amazing work as always
  20. If you spend your time playing people’s stuff and enjoying it (and telling them that!) then you are one of the most valuable members of the community :)
  21. I gave it a play - thanks for being so patient after your message! This is a nice set of beginner maps - you definitely experiment as you go through, with different encounter setups. I think the first few maps are the strongest - a couple of the later ones tend to be quite familiar after a while in having large piles of monsters where you're given an Invulnerability sphere and just have to go through and take care of them. I found one softlock where you can fall behind a console, and it's quite easy to get stuck on MAP07 if you've left a Mancubus or Arachnotron behind at any point in the map - you can't get back through the door once you're in the red key room. Nevertheless, it's great that you put this together :)
  22. This looks incredible, I’m surprised by how well the sepia drawn look works in 3D without it just looking like the map itself is made of origami!
  23. Thanks for your ideas! It’s not a massive problem but I’ll give them both a try.
  24. Thanks for your and everyone’s work in putting this together - I played through over a couple of weeks and it was nice to experience a bit of Doom-engine history that I’d overlooked before. (Reflecting on the game itself, I’d describe it as an interesting but not particularly good Hexen-Doom hybrid, but that’s not your fault :) ) One thing I noticed was that the game would very consistently crash if it was running while the Switch went to sleep and was left for a while - it would reopen with the music still going but with the display and controls frozen. Quitting to the Switch menu and closing the software from there would cause it to wait for a while and then declare “The game had to close due to an error”. It’s been good to explore it, though. I liked the touch that you can line up your shots more precisely with the tilt controls, and yet it never felt they got in the way when I wasn’t deliberately trying to tilt the handheld around.
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