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Everything posted by DavidN

  1. This fixes a huge oversight :)
  2. It’s odd that they made the boss specials only apply to certain levels, now you mention it - checking the level number is an extra step in the code, so it isn’t like it was quicker only to implement the specials on a couple of maps. They might have restricted them to prevent unexpected clashes happening in other level slots, but that doesn’t make much sense to me either - tags numbered 666 and 667 are memorable enough to remember something happens when you use them, and wouldn’t clash with the natural numerical order of tags until a level’s size was well beyond the original Doom engine’s capabilities. I’d probably put it down to just that the levels for Doom and Doom 2 were mostly made in an enormous rush, and that it seemed easier to hard-code some specifics like when special actions are available and where secret level exits point to, instead of thinking ahead about how they might be made more generally useful.
  3. Slime can be used well :) Of course it gives me Episode 1 nostalgia, which is my elemental weakness
  4. Do you have some sort of alias/console command to restart levels using the “map” command or something similar? This resets your game
  5. It’s so nice not to have thought about how rubbish they were for so many years! I can’t believe we put up with them for that long - scraping the stripes of wrapped-around fluff off the rollers and still having little dead zones that the cursor rolled over when the ball didn’t quite contact them correctly
  6. Yes! I’d like to take some time to pick up Phobian Odyssey again and use some of the stuff I implemented but never used :)
  7. All right, one more time :) I ventured back into the House to add some observations, especially on the version differences I mentioned several pages ago, and to answer questions that had come up on the other videos! I was very surprised to learn another use of slopes and portals that I’d overlooked before, but that’s so clever for something a player might not even notice! The Machinations of myhouse.wad (How it works) - Part 4
  8. Sending no links will be tricky because Doom uses its own graphics format! Can you see this? https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Picture_format You'll need to include the graphic as a lump called TITLEPIC in your WAD. If you want to write a WAD for the original Doom or a source port closely based on it, you need to use this picture format and use the limited palette. The WAD editing tool SLADE3 can do the conversion for you from various other graphics formats, and palettize the graphic. If you're targeting a port like GZDoom, then you don't need to worry about the Doom graphics format - it can accept and display the TITLEPIC lump as a PNG, JPG, etc and has no palette limitations.
  9. I loved PC Zone, it was fascinatingly strange in its sense of humour - the precursor to irreverent game critic personalities like Yahtzee and so on :) What a great find!
  10. Putting multiple DECORATE definitions in the same file is valid! I tend to group them by just set-dressing, monsters, light sources, etc... Note that you're missing a closing brace after your States in the Palm actor in your example (which I also do all the time)
  11. MAP208 is definitely temperamental and I'm not sure exactly what crashes it - try altering your renderer (software/hardware/Vulkan/OpenGL) or options.
  12. Bear in mind that using copyrighted music in your WAD will also risk recordings of it being restricted/blocked on video sites, so it will limit your chances to have your level played!
  13. @Xymph Thanks for checking in and preparing for this incredible undertaking! The last two fixes have been script bug fixes (hence no version number update, just a suffix). No further map changes are expected. If anyone tries to submit any more updates to me this late I will beat them away with a rake
  14. 296 maps is insane, do not replicate this, you will succumb to madness D: This project is an incredible idea in its own right and it’s amazing to see how creative people have been in making maps with this kind of restriction!
  15. It should just be there - I didn't attach it to any options or anything! I wonder if your HUD settings are somehow preventing it from appearing, if there's a scaling setting that shoves it off-screen somewhere
  16. Oh dear god I've done it. I've finished my playtesting and last adjustments so that all maps are at least nominally functional. The final few videos will go up over the next couple of days - and RAMP 2023 is finished! I've been amazed and overwhelmed at the response this year - what was meant to be a cosy little project for beginners already wildly exceeded its expectations in 2021, and now it's bigger than ever, with mapmakers both new and old contributing levels, games and experiments to this colossal selection box. And with beginners like these, the Doom creative community is going to live on for a very long time yet :) You can download it from the link in the original post. It's an 854.5MB gigawad. It has 296 maps in it. It can only be described as seriously ridiculous. Thank you
  17. The project's been built on the assumption that everyone's using Default compatibility! And yes, nearly 300 maps D: It's seriously BFGing ridiculous
  18. Something's definitely weird with MAP208, some people are able to play it fine and others crash immediately! What version of GZDoom?
  19. It sounds like you need to update your GZDoom - I’ve been running it on 4.10.0
  20. Well done everyone on contributing to RAMP 2023 and helping each other out so wonderfully! We now have a version I'm calling a beta, which is available at https://ramp2023.teamouse.net/index.php, and I've updated the initial post with the announcement. A massive thanks to everyone who contributed :) I'm going to continue to play through the submitted maps, and will write up some thoughts here like @DogsRNice said - I would be glad to hear your own thoughts on your experiences with Doom mapping as well :)
  21. 14 of them were placeholders that the authors chose not to continue, or who pulled out due to feeling they didn't have time to get the maps completed by the deadline. Hopefully we'll see them released outside of RAMP not too long from now.
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