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About mhrz

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  1. yeah missing monsters are way too annoying, especially that pinky room. I move a certain way to wake up everything but sometimes you just get blocked and vile blasted. I still had runs where not all pinkies woke up anyway xd I would have liked to do the area near the exit door last but you'd need 1 extra bfg for the cyber for the route to be worth it imo and it just makes the run way harder because you don't have the mega for the whole run
  2. I played through rjumpq yesterday after watching a bit of your demo so you have succeeded :) This reminded me of team fortress 2 and rocket jumping which i'm a fan of so I wanted to give this a shot, I was surprised at how different it is (and also difficult), but it's pretty fun. Looking forward to check out some other maps to jump through but it looks like there's not alot of material
  3. plutonia map32 max 2:15 pl32-215.zip
  4. We're back, and this time with twice the amount of runs (2!!!!) that's right! These are segmented UV-Max and UV-Speed D2ALL runs of Italo-Doom. Same rules as last time, each map is ran by one player without the use of TAS tools (no slow-motion, rewind, segmenting..). There's segmentation only at the start of each map, then the map is recorded just like an IL demo (multiple attempts, no tools) Thanks to the players (you can find the Map/Player lists in the text files or in the videos): @El Juancho @Billa @Gosu_Noob @Meowgi @kmc @Ravendesk @4shockblast @Starduster @Rayziik @Phoenyx @kvothesixstring @Dan87 @Bredd @Jizzwardo @BFGandorf @Daerik @besus @Brainfreezzzzz And special thanks to @Dan87 for viddumping/uploading and making thumbnails. Credits to @Billa for the funny picture. UV-Speed Youtube: https://youtu.be/A_ve__eLBMs Demo: itallx1857.zip UV-Max Youtube: https://youtu.be/PYZTFRIbMbU Demo: itallxm5337.zip
  5. sod 20 max 6:39 sod20-63949.zip
  6. resurge 28 max in 10:50 rs28-105046.zip
  7. tntr map14 max in 5:21 tntr14-52103.zip
  8. plutonia 11 max in 2:13 pl11-21329.zip
  9. tntr map14 max in 5:44 tntr14-54494.zip
  10. vigor map11 uv-speed in 0:47 vig11-4777.zip
  11. icgya map07 respawn 3:49 icgya07r34920.zip
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