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About superchargecacodemons800

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  1. Just wondering, what is the difference between the soul sphere vote and invulnerability vote (those to the bottom right of each post)?


    What do they mean?


    Also why do you usually use the invulnerability vote?

    1. Aquila Chrysaetos

      Aquila Chrysaetos

      There isn't a difference. They're all the same, so I chose my favorite one to like posts with. The others do see some use, but those are generally in response to a joke.

  2. This avatar is a masterpiece.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. elsaltaccount#9999


      That looks even worse, delete that too.

    3. superchargecacodemons800


      Nope, I spent a lot of effort on drawing that masterpiece. The green art is also the screenshot of a very old version of The Chasm Resurrection.

    4. elsaltaccount#9999


      I don't want you to delete it, i was talking to Spectra, your avatar should be in a museum.

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