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I'm a Cop, You Idiot

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Posts posted by I'm a Cop, You Idiot

  1. 8 minutes ago, Gustavo6046 said:

    Hell Revealed


    I have a ton of soundtracks (Unreal-related as S3M/XM/IT, others as MID)... including Rise of the Triad :)



    Its one of my favorite OSTs for any game, when I looked it up I found the composer is the same from Duke3D. But those are really his only games, kinda sad. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Red said:

    Storywise I don't care as long as the environments are visually appealing. I have some problems with Doom 2016 which I hope they can address, because they are the only thing keeping it from being my favorite game of that year


    1) Every big combat section took place in predictable open wide arenas with little to no variety between them, with not many memorable or exciting moments in between aside from the occasional Baron or Summoner, and only made worse by...


    2) Every monster while different in design/health/damage/speed, basically behaves the same way except for the bosses and Mancubus. They all rush towards you to do melee attack while shooting fireballs. I get they really want to do the whole gottagofast thing and that's great, it works fine, but when every enemy behaves the same way, attacks similarly and follow a very simple pattern then there is little to no strategy input by the player. There is no priority given to what monster to kill first beyond what is closest to you, rather than using the environment (which again was very samey), available ammo and disposable health, or knowledge of the map because, aside from the similar looking arena it takes place, the map plays no part in it.


    3) As shown by this video, the max amount of enemies the game can handle at once is downright pathetic, depending entirely on spawning them as they die rather than carefully placing them as part of the level design, which again, further proves the maps didn't matter much.


    4) Minor nitpicks now: 

    Still not as fast, watch any Doom 4 video and change the speed to 1.5 or even 1.25 and it feels SO much better.

    Don't like the design of the former humans, too bland. Zombies were fine with the weird faceless heads though.

    Felt like there was a lot of brown/orange filters, I get its Mars and Hell but even if they were vibrant they could evoke dread.

    I didn't really like the music but that is just personal taste, and I don't know if it was just a bug with me but it seems nothing played between fighting arenas so when I was exploring it was all just kind quiet and boring.

    Edit: The gibs in the game from explosions are pretty sad looking, they just go *fart* spawning 4 or five bits of flesh and drop to floor.



    Doom 4 was excellent but it still has a lot of design problems which I assume are based more on technical limitations from id/Bethesda rather than their own vision for the game, but if they can work those out then Doom 5 could take place in Disney World for all I care but still be one of the best games of this generation.

    I just want to point out, that video from 3) is from Snapmap which has a lower demon cap than whats found in the singleplayer. People like to throw this video around but its not representative of the actual demon limit. 

  3. DOOM has amazing arenas that rely on spawn timers and triggers. Enemy placement is a big factor but the developers are seemingly afraid to have rooms start with higher demons already spawned. The only ones that kick into high gear from the start are the last arena from the last level (Argent Dnur), and the I am Vega level arenas. These are my favorites. In between fights there's more doom like enemy placement (like a pinky charging you in a small corridor with a soldier and hell razer behind it). For a sequel, expanding on the ideas from the original, I would fucking love to see a combination of the arenas presented and more classic enemy placement challenge rather than progressive spawning clusterfucks. Not that they aren't fun but it can be expanded upon for more difficulty and fun. The hardest arenas and the most fun imo combine platforming, jump pads, and enough demons on the map that you're forced to strafe though it all basically doing laps. At least thats what I found myself doing to win. All this only applies to nightmare, the game feels very different and more trivial on lower settings.


    Basically I want more intricate arenas that rely on platforming and fast movement, more creative enemy placement and challenge, and of course bring on more Doom 2 enemies! Arachnoids are a must, maybe a lesser form of the Cyberdemon that we can fight with other demons spawned! They should use some WADS as inspiration, I became more passionate about the game trying to make shit in Snapmap. Learning that made me see how much better the game can be. For example, Wolfenstein TNO wasn't nearly as creative with its level design and enemy placement as The Old Blood was. TOB properly expanded on the ideas presented in TNO by making it harder in the right way. I just hope there WILL be a Doom 5 and they dont take another decade to make it so I can stop replaying this one.


    Lastly, do away with the runes and suit upgrades. Not that theyre all bad (slow motion one is badass), but combined with mastered weapon mods it makes you very overpowered. Which would be fine if the demon count was raised and demanded such upgrades but that never happens. Either make the game really hard so we need the upgrades or rely more on the player skill over upgrades. I happen to like Glory Kills and minor cinematics, this is a modern doom reimagining, not Doom as it was in the 90s. Really loved this game, dunno about anyone else. 

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