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About Gideon020

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  1. Nova: The Birth with Trailblazer and Corruption Cards, and by vile grace and perfidious chance, I have made it to Iron Exuviae with a decent number of upgraded weapons and some manageable permanent effects. Only playing the Hell On Earth Starter Pack with Hideous Destructor has given me more of a challenge.
  2. It if does, it's probably better than this potato I'm using.
  3. Jesus christ preserve me... I definitely need a new laptop...
  4. That's one hell of an intermission screen.
  5. Is it wrong of me to also want standalone weapons/enemy packs when this is all finished? XD
  6. I wonder where I would need to post in order to do a thread to ask for voice acting volunteers?

  7. One day, I'm gonna have to try my hand at making a map. Fuck my life. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HavoX


      You're not alone. :(

    3. KVELLER



      The usual newbie intimidation at making maps.

      You shouldn't be afraid about that. Just do your best to develop something you think is good, and the people in the forums will help you with feedback.

    4. DOOMmarine918


      It's pretty simple, it's just hard to stay motivated on a project sometimes, but that's why we here at the UAC pride ourselves to stay positive and work together to create a better WAD for tomorrow. The UAC, weaponizing demons for a brighter future since 1993.

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