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About JBerg

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  1. Is there an option to disable the mancubus fireballs from passing through walls? I really hate that bug
  2. Duke Nukem 3D & Hexen are open source and I don't think their gameplay aged as well.
  3. What does it matter if it's by id or not? It's not the same id from the Doom & Quake days anyways.
  4. Dunno about the new releases but the original Genesis game plays sort of like Wolfenstein 3D with a smaller viewport. I finished the game once and had a good time with it but overall, it's design can be summed up to "ok". Its main appeal was that it was a FPS running on machine that wasn't designed to be running FPS games.
  5. Plutonia is way more fair than HR.
  6. As someone who grew up playing Sega Master System & Genesis 2D style games. The simple fact that some monster could creep up on me from behind spooked me. Mix that with the diminished lighting, satanic themes and all that and yes, I'd say the game was scary. Didn't Doom get qualified as "Scary, Dark, Fast" or something like that?
  7. does anyone know how to reach the secret exit yet? edit: nvm i got it
  8. im following you bc ur pfp is a pumpkin. just informing you

  9. I like the system with zips. You also have the accompanying text files with info on the wad you're about to play.
  10. M1 Macs don’t support Vulcan. It’s either OpenGL or Metal for them and gzdoom doesn’t support Metal yet.
  11. The infinitely tall actors were always the most annoying part of the classic dooms for me.
  12. Can't wait to see what other insane shit the "fine" people leading X are going to try to pull next!
  13. I felt something was off with the railgun during my playthrough. I thought I was misremembering its damage in the original.
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