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Everything posted by Altima

  1. Map53 Pacifist in 2:07 - jf353p0207.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKjDSyzx5bQ
  2. Map77 UV-speed in 8:25 - jf377-0825.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLaAwqkdje4
  3. Map69 UV-Max in 13:47 - jf369m1347.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxVUoosndM8
  4. I thought I was done for the day but decided to snag this one Map69 UV-speed (also Pacifist) in 00:03.17 - jf369-000317.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG0sv7DFRXw I totally forgot about Pacifist category so the run fits both of them. Was submitted as Speed but is also Pacifist
  5. Map04 UV-Max in 9:44 - jf304m0944.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=valoeOT355Y
  6. Map08 -nomonsters in 00:18.69 - jf208o001869.zip Map50 -nomonsters in 00:57.57 - jf250o005757.zip Map66 -nomonsters in 00:57.69 - jf266o005769.zip
  7. I think you mean Map20, you about gave me a heart attack getting that time on Map01 lmao. But that's a banger run for a banger level, great job!
  8. Map02 UV-speed in 00:13.63 - rvh02-001363.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Y7CnfBz7A
  9. Map01 -nomonsters in 0:11.91 - rvh01o1191.zip
  10. Map01 UV-Max in 2:55.03 - rvh01m-255.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_9BHMJNhKM
  11. I Can't Give You Any Thing Map07 UV-respawn in 4:33.26 - icgya07r43326.zip
  12. Map08 UV-fast in 3:08 - jf208f308.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY5OFrEpEeA
  13. Map30 UV-Speed in 0:31.91 - je30-031.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wja8bUeZvmI Includes a misc demo that finishes in 30 seconds but I accidentally had the -respawn tag on, invalidating it as a UV-Speed attempt while also failing to meet the -respawn requirements. Also, this run sat on my hard drive for an entire decade. Oops.
  14. Here's where you can post your speedrun demos for Ultimate Doom the Way id Did, which is the 4th episode of Doom the Way id Did. It's a separate wad file and since I wasn't sure if it belonged in the same thread as the original, I thought it's own thread would suffice as mentioned, it's it's own wad file. As this is for Ultimate Doom, -complevel 3 should be suited for demos. Naming convention should probably follow the original DtWiD's thread, so ixdy-zzz, with x being the Episode (Episode 4 specifically) and y being the Map number and zzz being your time. The '-' should be your category, representative of your category such as NM or Max. First time starting one of these threads, so if I'm gonna start it, might as well provide a speedrun to start us off. E4M8 UV-Speed in 1:45 - i4d8-145.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMdFqRrCFwY
  15. Would this be the thread to also submit runs for Ultimate Doom the Way id Did, or is this strictly for the first 3 episodes? Just asking for clarity before I post anything here
  16. Map05 UV-respawn in 3:15 - jf205r315.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSWr1mGH7Pk
  17. Map05 UV-fast in 6:10 - jf205f650.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw-xOrzyJjI
  18. Map68 UV-Speed in 0:11.86 - jf268-1186.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yE146UnEy8
  19. Map05 Tyson in 2:52:30 - jf205t25230.zip I was ORIGINALLY going to wait until this went up on YouTube, but my current method of recording video would cause the raw footage to *potentially* exceed a Terabyte, and I just don't have that much space available. Going to try a different method of getting it to a video format at some point in the next day or so. Once I get it up I'll come back and edit this post to add the YouTube link for entertainment and archival purposes.
  20. Map05 UV-Speed (also Pacifist) in 0:05.97 - jf205-005.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYcpz9IAdh0 Map05 NM-Speed in 0:05.97 - jf205n005.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5Iwch4_aVg
  21. DyingCamel's Demons #1 Map01 UV-fast in 0:38 - dd101f038.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkbE4JHKra8
  22. DyingCamel's Demons #1 Map12 UV-Max in 26:48 - dd112-2648.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgzH9fFe3RA
  23. Grats on the longest human demo on the DSDA, and for a single map, you madlad
  24. Map50 NM-Speed in 0:04.66 jf250n004.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKO5WpOQ5sc
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