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About HeyItsDuke

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  1. Hey Doomworld, been awhile.
    That was definitely unexpected.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HeyItsDuke


      Hi! Been working on a lot of Red Faction projects, especially lately. Then I got told that uh, I really needed to come back and make sure my account was secured lol. I'll probably be popping up here more often, just got very distracted.

    3. RastaManGames


      Yeah... There was possible database breach or something like this.

      Better change password with e-mail, I guess.

      Also, welcome back, fellow Doomer! 🍕

    4. ReaperAA


      It was all a ploy by me to bring you to back to Doomworld

      jk nice to see you here Duke

  2. If you are confused as to who I am, I was formerly known as V0idH0und. But now I'm not.
    Thank you for attending my TED talk.

  3. I really should pick up that Wolfenstein project I never finished again.

  4. I have no pork rinds, and that makes me sad inside.

  5. That feeling when GZDoom 4.1.0 butchers the Wolf 3D TC's menus and it's borderline unreadable:



    Can we please have a way to toggle that off? This is what it used to look like back in 3.0



    1. HeyItsDuke


      Apparently it also ruined the episode selection menu:


      I'm rolling back to 3.7.2 for the Wolf 3D TC till this is fixed.

    2. Misty


      You should report this to zdoom forums, bugs won't be fixed if you don't report them. 

    3. HeyItsDuke


      That's the plan, If I can remember my zdoom forums password. :P

  6. My project I've been working on is currently on an indefinite hiatus. I will finish it. But life has been rough lately, and real life takes priority over mods. Thanks for reading though. It's nice to know some people care.

  7. Wow. Have I really been gone that long? I have 164 notifications!

    1. Gerardo194


      Where were you?

    2. HeyItsDuke


      Sorry for not seeing this for so long. XD I've just been really inactive. I've basically cancelled my big project, so I just don't really get on here anymore.

    3. Gerardo194


      Ok, sorry to hear that but I'm glad you're okay my friend.

  8. My project is on a slight hiatus. I'm still working on it. But real life is making things a bit hard right now.

  9. I think I have a sinus infection. It sucks.


    1. HeyItsDuke


      Like really really sucks.


  10. Just played the Superhot prototype demo. It was pretty cool. https://superhotgame.com/play-prototype/

  11. Sleep... sleep is such a glorious thing.

    One of the most interesting and fun maps I have ever played. I definitely recommend it! 5/5!
  12. Getting ready to try Eye of the Beholder (D&D Game) for the first time. I hope it's good.

  13. Double posting might be annoying, (Even I do it sometimes. Heh heh...) but there's no point in verbally abusing someone for it. Just give them a friendly reminder.

    1. ThrashFanbert94
    2. HeyItsDuke


      I saw someone do that, thought I would put my opinion out there.

    3. ThrashFanbert94


      Damn, i know some furs got eaten alive for double dip postings lolz

  14. I really need to make a commander keen TC one of these days.

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