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About ResidentEvilGod

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  1. So I've been working on my first wad for a bit and everything has been fine up until now that I've started to receive a ton of errors when booting it up in Doom Builder. Most of them are in regard to weapons and enemies I have gotten off of Realm667. The errors are as follows: SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 2. Ambient sound 1 is double-defined as "WIND" and "WIND". Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5080 = kdizdgrenadelauncher": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5073 = rifleammo": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5071 = strailgun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5070 = rifle": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5010 = machinegun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "9101 = knife": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "2005 = doublebladedchainsaw": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "2002 = heavychaingun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "82 = kdizdsupershotgun": failed to find corresponding actor class... DECORATE error in "US.wad\DECORATE:5", line 1. Actor "Machinegunguy" is double-defined. DECORATE warning in "US.wad\DECORATE:294", line 115. Unable to find "chaingun" class to replace, while parsing "HeavyChaingun". SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 6. Ambient sound 3 is double-defined as "FIRE" and "FIRE". SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 4. Ambient sound 2 is double-defined as "COMPUTER" and "COMPUTER". MODELDEF warning in "3D Helicopter\MODELDEF.txt", line 1. DECORATE class "HHELI" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:6", line 33. DECORATE class "MachinegunGuy" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:202", line 31. DECORATE class "KDiZDGrenade" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:6", line 33. DECORATE class "MachinegunGuy" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:202", line 31. DECORATE class "KDiZDGrenade" does not exist. Any help fixing this is greatly appreciated!
  2. First version of Doom I ever played. I still go back to it frequently because even though things are changed it's nice to have the option of a different experience for Doom 1 and 2.
  3. Nice Destruction Profile pic and Bathory banner dude :)

    1. DesecratorJ


      Great music taste you have here too :) 

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