Hey guys..
I'm in bit of a pickle well long story short my pc fried ,most of the components are dead,took out what still works and tossed the rest
im pretty hard on cash atm so i cant rebuild a new pc so i went and bought a xbox series s for now since it was only 299 and i heard the cpu inside it
is like a ryzen 7 3700x 8 core 16thread so i thought that this would be cool for now for my doom fix...
now i have a couple of questions , gzdoom has always felt off to me it feels very floaty and seems like you are ice skating and the aiming feels off compared to the original game,are the rereleases better and more faithful to the original?
i only stuck with gzdoom cause of the wad support but i see here the unity ports have addons too
and it already has a list of megawads im curious tho, did bethesda stop uploading wads?
i hope not!
because the last one was doom zero and this was like 5 months ago,back in 2020 they gave us 1 every 1-2 months but now we still have nothing after 5 months hmm
i hope we will still get more what do you guys think? is there more coming?
im not into modding i like doom vanilla the only thing i like to add is different wads/maps to play so i really hope bethesda isnt done..
are the rereleases the best for me then? gzdoom is best for mods if not interested in mods then gzdoom is pretty bad? lol
also -
what is the cheapest way to get back on pc doom tho without building a entire desktop?
i was thinking maybe a raspberry pi 4? specs wise it has
Broadcom BCM2711, Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz.
can this handle doom wads that arnt on the unity port releases? like for example alien vendetta?
any console doomers here?
or raspberry pi doomers?
to shed me some light