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About valerian

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  1. for someone who doesnt know what theyre dealing with? sure, maybe 600 is enough for them. but youre on a doom centered forum, do you think any of the hardcore doom fans would be open to letting their copy go for 600?
  2. thats me subconciously recreating doomguys expressions while im playing
  3. hes just a white ussain bolt but no for real, i doubt doom would be as fun if doomguy were as slow as other game characters (and id probably die faster due to not being able to dodge fast enough)
  4. damn i remember playing this as a child, excited for the remaster but id probably still prefer the original due to nostalgia and also theres just something amazing about old game graphics
  5. fucking hard to choose between either of them
  6. the last movie i watched was probably a rewatch of fight club, obviously its a great movie but the last movie i saw that i didnt know of before was probably first reformed? and holy fuck what an experience that was. can definitely recommend watching, its from the same guy who made taxi driver
  7. not doom related but this is one of my recent finished drawings
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