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Everything posted by Danlex

  1. Veteran's Entry v2 veteransentryV2.zip it was possible to softlock yourself in the first room of the 3rd floor so I fixed that very quick
  2. Name: Veteran's Entry Midi: Death Jam by Rich Nagel Difficulty settings: implemented Tested with: dsda-doom and gzdoom Sky texture by Mechadon Inspired by: Eternal Doom Map25: Beginner's End by Jim Flynn Just like in ED Map25, the gimmick of this map is to explore a 6 floors building, solving puzzles and finding out not-so-obvious ways to progress. The original map is very linear, as it forces you to visit the floors from bottom to top, but in this map you can enter the floors in any order you want (I still recommend to visit the 2nd floor early because it has the SSG). Some areas are also inspired by other ED maps, not just Map25. Hope you suffer enjoy! veteransentryV2.zip
  3. Some stuff for MAYhem 2022
  4. I don't consider myself a doomgod but I wanted to give this a try anyway, and I noticed that Map18 doesn't work in dsda-doom because the shootable door in the starting room is not tagged. The red switch in Map19 doesn't work either because it is placed behind a line that has an action; it can be fixed easily if you put the switch in front of that line. Map14 seems to work fine.
  5. am I allowed to reserve a secret map slot? I want to make a Eternal Doom inspired map and I'm afraid that the progression is gonna be too confusing for some people so I want my map to be optional
  6. It becomes a problem when you can get to that switch with more than 100% health. The soulsphere can be essential for the fight, but if I have enough health already it's nice to be able to save the sphere for later. Being forced to waste health or ammo is always annoying, especially in maps that have scarce resources.
  7. this might be useful https://c.eev.ee/doom-text-generator/
  8. Some sprites that I made for "Capybara", a WIP community project led by @Nefelibeta
  9. I just uploaded a video where I solve all the patterns, if someone wants to check it out
  10. Introduction Rainbow Rubik is, as the title of the thread explains pretty much, a Rubik's cube in GZDoom. Not the Classic Rubik's cube but close enough. It works the same as the classic tho, you can rotate all the sides, both clockwise and counterclockwise, using switches placed around the map. There's also 'Auto scramble' switches, that will execute 15 random moves in the cube. You can also press the [F] key to activate or deactivate "Fly mode", which allows you to see the cube from any angle while you're solving it. I also added a switch that changes the music in the map (5 songs in total to choose from), because I know that hearing the same music every time that you play this map can get a bit boring. When you enter the Skill Selection Menu, you can choose from 5 different Solve Patterns. They're not ordered by difficulty tho, the second one is the easiest, for example. Not implemented (yet?) -Full cube rotations -Middle layers rotations -180 degrees rotations (this are not very necessary, you can just press a switch twice) Screenshots: Information: Port: GZDoom IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: MAP01 Single player only Difficulty Settings: technically yes Tested with: GZDoom 4.7.1 Hardware accelerated Render Mode required Credits: ================= DOWNLOAD =================
  11. A very colorful and weird map that I made for a speedmapping* project (*if 4 days of work is still considered speedmapping)
  12. I would be one of those mancubus in the MockDonalds map from Mock 2 so I can eat a burger as my last meal before doomguy comes to kill me
  13. Here's Map19 TNTMemoryMap19.zip Not sure if the truck and the ladders are okay but I can change them if necessary :P Tested with crispy doom, dsda-doom and gzdoom
  14. It's for a small boom compatible mapset that I will be working on, maybe 5 or 6 maps, not sure yet. One of my goals is to make a set where each map has a very different color scheme / theme. Right now I'm just testing some new textures that I will use for the final map.
  15. Doomworld needs more maps like this, I loved it. The music was also fantastic. I was a bit afraid of the difficulty and the platforming with the way you described it but I actually found it very enjoyable on UV. Good job!
  16. As explained many times before, all the maps will be in a single wad, but this wad will not have the traditional mapslots structure, the maps will be sorted by format (so all vanilla maps first, then limit removing, then boom and so on) and they'll be reached via a hubmap at the start, so you can play all the maps at any order you want (I'm not sure if pistol starts will be forced tho)
  17. Thanks MFG38, I completely agree with all the things that you and other people pointed out, but I hope the experience was still enjoyable regardless of those minor things. As I said in a post above, I will use all the feedback that I received in this thread to improve for my future maps.
  18. Congratulations to all the other winners! There's sooo many good releases this year, it's crazy. Sometimes I honestly thing that 2nd place on the list is way too high for me when I look at the other winners and see how amazing they look in comparison :p but I'm very grateful to the Cacoward team for making it possible and to the community for all the support. Thanks everyone ^^
  19. here's my map Title: Fuck Doom 2 II Format: Strife: Strife (Doom format) Uses Map01 slot Difficulty settings: no Jumping allowed Tested with: Chocolate Strife 3.0.1 and GZDoom 4.7.0 fuckdoom2ii.zip
  20. Map Name: Impaled by AntiChrist's Boner Author: Danlex Music: Blut Aus Nord "Epitome 2" Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Time: 3 hours Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, 3 evil eyes, 3 barons Comments: a very short and dumb Reality map Impaledv4.zip
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