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About Dantosking

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  1. Any lost videos or photos from Doomsday party at the Limelight NY, 10 oct 1994. We have only doom wiki article :c
  2. Still looking for VHS-tapes DOOM tournaments or just LAN-Parties from 1990s So what I have.. USA: -Deathmatch 95' at Judgment Day sponsored by Microsoft (Redmond, USA) on October 30, 1995. -Unknown DOOM II Tournament, USA, 1996. Russia: -Heure Cup (St. Petersburg) Qualifiers - September 22, 1996 Final - November 9, 1996. -DOOM Tournament, Yekaterinburg (semifinals and finals) 1997. -DOOM Tournament, Tula, 1997. -DOOM II Championship, Pskov, April 5-6, 1997. Some screenshots from documentary:
  3. The documentary's current length is 53 mins Estimated video length - 1h 30 mins.
  4. Sorry, I was inattentive when posted this demo here. I used default cl on prboom-plus+ Also I reupload demo in zip-file. TXT:
  5. Skill: Ultra-Violence Saves: no That's all. 100% Kills, items or secrets aren't important for me. Today I finished probably the most craziest level without saves in my Doom way.
  6. Approximate content of the first episode. As soon as the Russian version is ready, we will begin translating into English and finding people for voice acting
  7. I did it! Don't ask me how, I think it's pure luck. UV no-saves
  8. yea, that's me but I don't remember where I saved these demos. Thanks to @VVL
  9. I believe this topic could be helpful with the assistance of researching specific events and persons. I still don't have any deathmatch demos from: -Deathmatch 95 (Qualifications or Finals) -Quakecon 1996 (yea, there was a DOOM II Tournament) -The Doom II Release Party/Doomsday Party (The Limelight Club, New York) -n eed more photos and videos, I've seen only 2 pics from there) Probably these demos were never exist but who knows Looking for photos of these persons:
  10. Mini Duel Tournament on Playstation DOOM (using link-cable)
  11. Unfortunately, due to a series of life circumstances, the release of the first episode of the documentary series "Three Decades of DOOM" has been postponed until next year. Having held about 7 LAN parties this year, among which was the Russian Doomcon, I, as the head of LegacyZ and the leader of the above-mentioned project, got burned out and I decided to take a some kind of vacation. Over the past 5 years, my personal life has been exchanged for various online and live events, competitions, tournaments and irregular streams. It's time to tip the scales in the opposite direction. Of course, I could rush as fast as I can and release the episode on December 31st, but how good will it turn out? Things made in haste are rarely of good quality. I'm not very good at video editing or voice acting, but the material requires serious dedication, which I can't provide yet. The three chapters shown at Russian Doomcon need some rework. The people who help me are also busy with their own projects and the main part of the work remains with me. The project will not be abandoned or paused for a long period. A few months will be more than enough time to complete the story of the community's origins. At one point I thought about dividing the episode into at least 2 parts, but now I'm returning to the idea of "one era - one episode". While researching the early period of the Doom community from 1994 to 1996, I came across an immeasurable amount of information. Dozens of map editors and various utilities, hundreds of forgotten tournaments, thousands of wad files and an endless number of messages on the usernet network. Not only the game, but also its fans and their projects are a real phenomenon. Release dates for the Russian and English versions will be announced as soon as they are ready. We will meet for sure!
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