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About dylux

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  1. Shoot his ass. Why? Just because. "The enemy deserves no mercy." - Sensei Kreese
  2. So everything is going well in your game. You've got a good handle all your weaponry, your flame thrower and your frags; you're getting pretty comfortable at this point. Then along comes along this "boss" a$$hole called the Marauder that screws up your universe. Not only does he shoot at you when your too close, he'll release his hound after you if you haven't struck a blow in a bit. If you're too far, he's blast you with his axe. Shoot him and he'll just block it with his shield. You're first encounter with him is going to be a frustrating nightmare. So here's how to beat his a$$ in less than 30 seconds. First of all, you need 3 things: 1) The Ballista Weapon 2) The Super Shotgun 3) The ability to change out weapons quickly through the Praetor Suit. Start with your Ballista. Make sure before you walk into this room that you put your Super Shotgun as the weapon to switch to rapidly by pressing triangle. Keep your distance, but not too far because he'll shoot you with his axe. And keep moving; stay still and you're dead. Try to ignore the other minions in the room if you can help it. Wait until the Marauder's eyes turn green when he swings his axe at you. Soon as that happens, blast him with your Ballista once. While he's stunned, quickly switch over to your Super Shotgun and give him another blast. Don't use the meat hook. He'll recover almost instantly after that. Switch over to your Ballista and repeat. If he releases the hound, blast that hound with your Super Shotgun. And that's it! He'll be staggering in less than 30 seconds so you can Glory Kill his a$$. Anyone know an easier way?
  3. Pain Elementals by far. I actually never use my Chaingun while playing until I run into one of those f*ckers.
  4. Just finished this game. I have a question: How in the f*ck did this game "only" runner up at the Cacowards? This game deserved much more than that. I'm sick of these sh*t .pk3 games with one map or a game with a boatload of modded weapons winning over fantastic wads like 2022 A Doom Odyssey. Thank you Mr. C and your team for a fantastic game! Solid 5 out of 5 stars.
  5. I have no idea what pc you are using nor its specs so I will give you the general fixes: 1) I had the same problem and we aren't the only ones with this issue. DooM Eternal is one helluva fussy game. Turned out that my computer didn't meet the recommended requirements for the game. My graphics card met the minimum, but not the recommended requirements. (I had AMD Radeon R9 290 [4GB] and everything else met the recommended). I wasn't about to invest in a graphics card for just one game. So I ended up scrapping the whole idea and just bought it for the PS4. Steam sucks. All I ever hear is problems with them. So I would start with checking to see if you meet the recommended requirements (below). 2) You didn't hear it from me, *coughs* but another solution I read about was that someone downloaded a *coughs* crack and installed it into the game installation directory folder, overwriting some Steam files, the voila! Problem solved. 3) Another solution was to update the game to its current version. From the Bethesda site: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/49836 PC Minimum Specs (1080p / 60 FPS / Low Quality Settings) 64-bit Windows 7/64-Bit Windows 10 Intel Core i5 @ 3.3 GHz or better, or AMD Ryzen 3 @ 3.1 GHz or better 8GB System RAM NVIDIA GeForce 1050Ti (4GB), GTX 1060 (3GB), GTX 1650 (4GB) or AMD Radeon R9 280 (3GB), AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB) or RX 470 (4GB) 50 GB hard drive space PC Ultra-Nightmare Specs (2160p / 60 FPS / Ultra-Nightmare Settings) OR (1440p / 120 FPS / Ultra-Nightmare Settings) 64-bit Windows 10 Intel Core i9-9900K or better, or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X or better 16GB System RAM NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (11GB) or AMD Radeon VII (16GB) 50 GB hard drive space PC Recommended Specs (1440p / 60 FPS / High Quality Settings) 64-bit Windows 10Intel Core i7-6700K or better, or AMD Ryzen 7 1800X or better 8GB System RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (8GB), RTX 2060 (6GB) or AMD Radeon RX Vega56 (8GB) OR (1080p/ 60 FPS / High Quality Settings) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB), NVIDIA GeForce 970 (4GB), AMD RX 480 (8GB) Note: On GTX 970 only - set Texture Quality to Medium 50 GB hard drive space
  6. I would like to see id totally remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein, just like Square Enix did for Final Fantasy VII. Add more and different levels to it, but keep the style of fighting the same as the original; throw in some puzzle solving; definitely throw in some more bosses; more enemies; more missions that aren't so obvious to complete. And a lot less linear.
  7. dylux

    System Vices

    My review is based on the fact that System Vices was created in 1996 by a single author. It's WADS like this one that makes me dislike TC's or partial TC's - with very few exceptions. The new weapons look too "cartoon-ish" as do the textures. I'm not sure if the textures with the red borders were intentional or not. The gameplay is rather dull and there is too much hunting. I'm giving System Vices 1 star for the music and 1 star for the effort by a single author. Nothing memorable here. 2 out of 5 Stars
  8. dylux

    Crimson Canyon

    The Good: - Lots of ammo, etc to keep you alive - Continuous MAPS (which I like) - Decent music - Plenty of switches that don't keep you guessing what each does - Not a slaughterfest, but will keep your trigger finger busy - Some very clever secrets thrown into the mix The Bad: - The Crimson Canyon Map (Gawd, I absolutely HATED this Map) - this should have been the best MAP in the game but it was disastrous. - Lots of cramped levels. - WAYYYYYY too many Hell Knights. This WAD had so many that I wondered why this WAD wasn't called "Hell Knight" - Very little puzzles - Most secret's "treasures" were unrewarding - Monsters that appear from thin air All in All: For the year this WAD was created, it's got good eye candy. I really got into this WAD until I hit MAP 07. After that, it kinda went straight downhill for me because of the cramped hallways. MAP 12, the last level, was very anti-climatic due to lack of any kind of boss. The whole project just felt abandoned. Cacoward worthy? Not by today's standards. Perhaps back in the day. Type of WAD you'll soon forget but worth a play. 3 Stars out of 5.
    The Good: - Nice, clean Maps. Nothing fancy. - Not a slaughterfest, but loads of challenging dog fighting. - Very little puzzles. The Bad: - Too many small, nonlinear Maps. - WTF was with M1E8?!? - Wayyyy too many "poison ponds" for my taste. I don't think there was a single level that didn't have them. - Very few secrets - most of which were unrewarding. A Med Pack isn’t exactly what I call rewarding - unless you have less than 10 hit points. So if a reward for finding a secret is a Med Pack, what is that telling you?!?! - Wasn't into starting new chapters (with just a pistol) during the same episode. - Monsters that suddenly spawn from thin air just because you're walking towards a switch. In Short: If you like dog fighting, then Base Ganymede Ep 1 is for you, so bring your itchy trigger finger. It’s was average as far as fun game play goes. I don’t think I ever saw more Specters and Lost Souls in any other non-slaughter game. The only things above average in this WAD was the amount of monsters, barrels and poison ponds you'll endure. Not the best WAD I've ever played, but not the worst, either. 2 1/2 out of 5 Stars.
  9. dylux


    Hellbound Review - My second time playing this with a year in between. - UV Difficulty The Good: - Has puzzles, which I love! - Progressive Maps, as in the next one continues from the previous and the Maps are not linear. - Excellent progressive degree of difficulty. - Not a slaughterfest, but not easy either. - Plenty of everything to keep you alert, yet alive. - Loads of secrets – most are clever and rewarding. - Awesome Hellish themes in some of the later Maps. - Later Maps are huuuuuuge; Map 29 (Ascension) must have taken a helluva long time to create, just as the Author states in the description of it. Use your Rocket Launcher and/or BFG when you get to it. The rest of your weapons are obsolete at this point. The Bad: - Absolutely disliked Map 30. A whole lot of running around in the “poison lava” pit. In Short: All and all, Hellbound was a blast. You’re going to work for the keys from Map 21 and onward because they aren’t just lying around. Map 17 (Starport) and Map 26 (Forbidden Archives) were my faves. I remember reading "Doomworld’s Top 100 Memorable Doom Maps" that Starport was ranked #80. So there ya go! Despite disliking Map 30, I’m still giving this WAD 5 out of 5 Stars. One Map is hardly enough to deduct from the other 31 awesome Maps. Definite replay value. Bravo! Thanks for making it!
  10. dylux

    Legacy of Heroes

    This is my 7th favorite overall Wad of all time (thus far). If you liked Eternal Doom III (the first 12 Maps of it, anyway - it's the only real part of Eternal worth playing), then you'll love this game. Gothic themed, great music. ("He's over here!" LOL!!) Although only 11-ish Maps long, it's quality farrrrr outweighs the quantity. My ONLY complaint is that the game should have ended after Map 09 - The Great Library. There's enough battle once you finally get the Blue Key and reach the Great Library to warrant the ending; there's little need for Map 10 and Map 11 isn't really an actual Map. Fave Map - Map 08 ("Kythraessos") - See if you can locate that Blue Key Card and solve that 6 pillar switch puzzle! Woohooo! A definite must play with definite replay value. Well deserved Cacoward. Loved it! Solid 5 out of 5 Stars
  11. dylux

    Endless Torture

    I've said this before in a review of another WAD and it applies here: Wads are like horror movies in the aspect that there's a good chance you're gonna go through some crappy ones before you get to one that makes it worthwhile waiting for. This is one of those WADs worth going through the crappy ones to get to. The kind that makes you say to yourself, "How is it that I've not played this before!??!" No complaints whatsoever. Had a lot of fun playing this WAD, which is the most important aspect to a me as a gamer. Just good ol' Classic Doom style - on steroids. Great progressive challenge. Not a slaughterfest by any means, but will keep your trigger finger and strafing skills busy. Well done! Definite replay value. Thanks for creating it! :) Solid 5 out of 5 Stars.
    I, too, liked this version over the original. Great eye candy here. Beautifully designed. Challenging, but I would have liked to seen more puzzles. You already know that anything (especially) esselfortium, Espi, skillsaw, and all the other talented mappers on this game had a hand in, is going to be nothing short of awesome. If you are into combat, then this is the WAD for you. 4.5 out of 5 Stars.
    This was my second time around with this Newdoom Community Project; the last time I played it was probably a year ago… The Good: - Mixed bag of Mapsets - Definitely some eye candy - LOADS of puzzles - Some traps to keep you on your toes - Tons of rewarding secrets - Secret Maps were good, especially Map 32 The Bad: - Combat was almost too easy, even on UV In Short: I had a lot of fun with this WAD. But I absolutely disliked Map 02 - everything about it. But most of the other 31 Maps make up for it. But other than that, if you like WADS that emphasize on puzzle solving, with average combat, then this WAD is for you. The later Maps are awesome and they're what bring this game from a little above average to a lot above average. I was hoping for more difficult combat like its successor, though. Definite replay value. Thanks for all your effort in making this great game! 4 out of 5 Stars.
  12. dylux


    The Good: - Not a whole lot - It's only 13 levels - kinda The Bad: - Very linear mapsets - Lack of ammo - you're gonna starve in this area - Hallways upon hallways upon hallways - Terrible sound effects, especially the final Boss - The HUD - Horrible music - Very weird atmosphere - Unrewarding secrets - That gut wrenching, ear piercing, double "errrrrrrrrrt!" just before the explosions as the Map ends - 3 or 4 levels are pretty much identical - Slaughterfest endings In Short: Oh Gawd, what was that I just played? My eyes and ears hurt now... One of the Maps (I forget which one - Map05?) has an "ending" that brings you to a huge city-like room with ~200-300 monsters. By the time you reach this room, you are left with hardly any ammo for any of the limited weapons you possess. 95% of the ammo available in this room is upon your entry to it - 4 cell packs and a plasma rifle. Don't worry, you'll find the other 5% as you see all the 0's by your weapons in your HUD as you're fleeing for survival from all the mid-level monsters because your chainsaw, unfortunately, is not a magical chainsaw. Sorry, I can't recommend Equinox for all the reasons above. The fun just wasn't there for me. 1 1/2 Stars out of 5
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