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Taw Tu'lki

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About Taw Tu'lki

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    Vulpes Montanus
    Senior Member

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  1. Farshmack (fish mince with bread in milk).
  2. Sometimes I feel like I have bipolar. Sometimes I angry, but often I timid.
  3. And that background of my old PC. By one artist from deviantart.
  4. New desktop screen with my character (his name is Towelunn) by Shinobi Kovu
  5. Did you know that the first mod of Wolfenstein 3D has a pornographic content? It was also the first mod in history of 3D shooters where were a pornographic pictures. It was published on 11th May, 1992, the six days later after the publishing of the first episodes of the game.
  6. Exit signs in japanese/chinese, arabian and korean languages
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