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About RileyXY1

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  1. Aliens TC's first map is my first exposure to this kind of concept. It was the first map I've ever played that has no monsters at all, and I felt on edge throughout the entire map, constantly wondering when something was gonna come out.
  2. I believe this game will be a direct prequel to Doom 2016 and be set during Doom Slayer's time with the Night Sentinels.
  3. I have an original copy of PSX Doom. In fact it was my first exposure to Doom.
  4. In fact I don't know if I even have the interest to even make Doom WADs ever again.
  5. I'm officially dropping out of the project entirely. Both MAP12 and MAP24 are now open. I have no idea how to even make a Boom compatible map.
  6. VANITY12.zip MAP12 is now officially done and ready to play.
  7. No wonder Sigil 2 had to triple her health just to make her a better final boss.
  8. MAP25 is fully completed unless anyone discovers any additional exploits. Unfortunately the cubes above the doors will not be removed, as I can't do that without building a whole new map from scratch, as they're too ingrained into the level design for me to remove.
  9. The Midi for Silent Castle is "You Suck" from Rise of the Triad, famously used on other Doom levels such as Demonic Hordes from Alien Vendette and Fire and Ice from Scythe.
  10. D2MD25 v6.zip This is a new version of my map. Now monsters can no longer open the blue key door from the other side and a second Arch-Vile was added to the Yellow Skull room in UV and Nightmare. Two extra medkits have also been added for UV and Nightmare as well in the same area.
  11. I'm also working on MAP24, and I'm taking efforts to make it look broken down. There's holes in the ceiling, pools of radioactive waste everywhere, and in one spot a hole connects together two rooms that are not supposed to be directly connected. I'm also designing the map with lower brightness than I usually use in my levels.
  12. We also still have some open slots. Slots 5, 8, 13, 29, 31, and 32 are all still open.
  13. I'm almost done with MAP12. And I officially have the name, that being "Research Facility".
  14. Christen Klie, one of the developers of the Lost Episodes of Doom and a Master Levels developer, went on to work at LucasArts for a time.
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