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About seed

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    Banned by request
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Hope everythings OK Seed, 

    It's weird not seeing you post regularly. 

    1. Chip


      I know, it is weird. I wonder if he is taking a short break like I did for a couple of months or maybe lost his password or something else, I don't know. it seems strange, though. has anybody seen him on his discord, twitch account, or on the ZDoom forums?

    2. Alper002


      Pretty sure he's fine.

      Seed streams on twitch under the name SixHundredSixteen. He's been streaming pretty regularly as of late, the streams just haven't been about Doom at all.

      Might just not be visiting doomworld since he doesn't need to post anything regarding doom streams.

    3. ReaperAA


      Seed is fine. He is active on ZDoom forums, though he is mostly involved in the Raze subforum (doing playtesting and sending bug reports).


      Still I miss him not being on Doomworld.

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