Welcome to the Doom and fps world!
Maps suggested: Dead Air (xaser), Dead Wire (xaser), Verdant Citadel
Mapsets suggested: Eviternity, Back to Saturn X, UAC Ultra, Vanguard, Dimension of the Boomed, Ashes 2063, Umbra of Fate, Shadows of The Nightmare Realm, Void And Rainbow, Strange Eaons, Pirates Doom, Preacher.
(it's very difficult to choose just some..!)
If besides Doom you are interested in catching up with classic games such as Quake, I can recommend some channels with review for fps and doom mods.
Regular reviews about doom mods, I've found many great mods here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ICARUSLIV3S/
Reviews almost any fps around, also reviews mods from time to time: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gggmanlives
Reviews mostly about classic fps (Doom, DN3D, Blood, Thief, etc.), great content: https://www.youtube.com/c/Civvie11/
The focus is more about "gritty games", not just fps, but you find some obscure games here: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrimBeard/videos