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About THEBaratusII

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  1. Another contribution for Box of Chaos 2! Title of your work: Macenbitz Author: THEBaratusII Game: Wolfenstein 3D (Mac) Description: Was originally going to make a mapset for the Macintosh port of Wolfenstein 3D but I felt discouraged to continue due to a strange bug that I don't know if it was due to using an emulator or not. This mapset contains two levels. .DSK image for mounting is included and a .SIT archive is also included inside the .DSK image. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q6t3uxn24duqt1n/TBII_Macenbitz.zip/file === Only for modded assets from other games === Source port: Vanilla-compatible (Tested on Basilisk II and Qemu-m68k emulators, I don't have a actual 68k Macintosh at the moment) New assets: None
  2. So I got around to playing through Box of Chaos up until E1M6. Honestly, with having to god mode my way out of the map because of the tight areas surrounded by Pac Man Ghosts, I believe this is more fitting as a secret level, and I couldn't play through the rest because after killing one of the bosses, it triggered the Death Cam and ended the game. But I will say I am liking this mapset so far except for that. Will try to warp to E1M7 sometime later on.
  3. LameDuke (Duke Nukem 3D) on a faster processor. The protozoid slimers in the first level gave me a heart attack due to the fact that the game ran too fast. The pistol shoots like a UZI though which is kind of funny.
  4. Can somebody's wisdom teeth run Doom? On a serious note, I remember having my wisdom teeth removed, it really wasn't that painful. Though I could remember not being asleep during the process despite being numbed or sedated.
  5. The Apple Macintosh version of Wolfenstein 3D. Speaking of HUD, I remember in the 3DO port the Health and Ammo counters were swapped. (The health counter being on the far right)
  6. Finally got around to releasing my first contribution to this project. Title of your work: Strangle Author: THEBaratusII Game: Strife: Quest for the Sigil Description: This is my contribution to the Box of Chaos 2 community project. A regular deathmatch level focused on mishmashing a few themes as a attempt to further work on my mapping skills. I get the layouts right, but I needed to work on my texturing a bit better. Download link: https://gamebanana.com/mods/513361 === Only for modded assets from other games === Source port: Vanilla-compatible (even tested it with Chocolate-Strife) Level slot(s): MAP01 New assets: A couple of custom textures
  7. I was recording Kraisoft MIDIs using the Nuked-SC55 emulator and I noticed that Astrobatics - Music4.mid and Alien Sky - Music6.mid share a similar melody.
  8. Happy that I lost a good amount weight in one year. Went from 333lbs to 223lbs (lost about 110lbs) I also went down to 219lbs just recently. I am more mobile now lol.
  9. Geneforge on a Pentium II 450MHz machine with Windows XP installed. I would've played this on Windows 98 but the GOG version doesn't want to work on that operating system so I swapped SD cards (I had a SD to IDE adapter installed) For a RPG game, I seem to be enjoying it but I like to see how far I can go, likely because I never completed an RPG game before.
  10. I used to watch some of his content on and off. But stopped because all I kept seeing was "MOST CONTROVERSIAL DOOM WAD EVAR!" or "THIS DOOM WAD IS ILLEGAL ETC ETC" Also not sure how many times he's made a video about if there will be a new Doom game or a Quake reboot etc. Anyway like Pegasus said, he just reviews mods that already been reviewed and slapping the "most terrifying/depressing/controversial/etc" label on it with clickbait thumbnails. Whenever I am in the mood to watch a Doom video, I just check out Doomkid's channel and a few others I might not know too much about. Then again, I tend to watch vintage computing videos most of the time.
  11. I primarily use Vivaldi but I also use Waterfox too.
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