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About VanaheimRanger

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  1. I caught covid part way through playing this in VR and it might be a while before I can put my headset back on without immediately vomitting, but here are the few levels I got to play so far:
  2. Played the first 6 maps so far in VR, I never played Hellbound (yet) but I definitely see some TNT inspiration. The maps look very good, there is a bit of ammo struggle in the early maps. Videos will be posted once I've completed the whole WAD. How long did it take you to make the whole WAD?
  3. This looks pretty dope, I'm gonna play it in VR and you can't stop me.
  4. I will just echo what Bri said into the chamber. As long as you're having fun with what your doing, and not worrying too much about what people think, I think that will come through in your content and be more genuine. So, just do what feels good :)
  5. Why is a 20 year old crying over videogame development taking time? An old person who might die soon, I could understand...but, your gonna be around for a while, just chill a bit, maybe.
  6. I feel like if I had played it when I was a kid I might agree, however I played it as a 30 something adult, and felt like I had played much better stuff that came from the same era. I mean, Putonia was part of the same package and it is about 100x better overall.
  7. Ty had a good concept for MAP04, but I've seen the concept used better elsewhere. Other than that, the maps are mediocre to bad.
  8. I would shoot things with finger guns in a game if the gameplay was fun. (That means no, I don't care if guns are unrealistic in a game.) EDIT: Let me add that I was in the military, and have handled several different real world guns...I still don't care, it's a game.
  9. It sounds like something I probably don't have the patience for, lol. But really cool results.
  10. That's a really neat timelapse. What program did you use to make it?
  11. I've heard stories. But let's move on back to the topic, it's too early in the morning for this nonsense.
  12. Well, here I go poking the bear... How is someone with your attitude a Super Moderator on this site? EDIT: Wow, look at how fast that whole conversation just disappeared.
  13. I pretty much only play Doom and Quake in VR so... Doom: GZDoomVR Quake: Quakespasm-OpenVR If anyone is aware of a version of Raze-VR that is made for PC let me know.
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