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About Novaseer

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    The Rocket Launcher is a melee weapon.
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  1. The Onyx Ring Engulfs' first release candidate is complete. 1,742 monsters, 6 secrets, 118 items. (note I forgot to take the last two screenshots in my pre-upload test run so I idclipped to them, hence the incorrect inventory)
  2. True, but I do think restraint is important with a project this anticipated, lest we get something indigestibly large. It'll probably be on that end anyway even if it stays at 32, as a year's gestation period and the premise of "new mappers proving themselves" naturally invites magnum opus syndrome (I say, as someone who's fallen victim to it in my own map) I can't see a "realistic" expansion of scope as anything larger than 35 maps, as that way each episode has a secret map with one getting a super-secret. 36 at a pinch to mirror other episodic MBF21 megawads like Eviternity II or D2ICO, but any more than that would just be bloat IMO. It also runs contrary to the Nova series' mission statement to spotlight up and coming mappers - if there's too many maps and too many mappers, each gets less and less exposure to the point where people with late entries in the map ordering may very well have their work barely played at all, and each also gets less and less support from the project lead and resident veterans (as they only have so much time on their hands, and I'm certain sorting this out has already been a headache for obake), giving them even less feedback with which to sharpen their skills. The best solution I can think of to mitigate this problem is simply to start a Nova V (NoVa?) as soon as possible after this makes idgames. ~10 months to wait isn't that long in this community.
  3. Just made it through MAP11. Spectacle abound, some absolutely monolithic slaughter fights whilst never feeling outside of my mortal capabilities. And, just like the rest of the set so far, looks like a million bucks. Incredible map.
  4. What I believe is the full video for the clip shown above:
  5. Yes. The Perforator is meant to be a reward for the remainder of the episode for completing a secret map. Hence why MAP33 has any weapons at all.
  6. I think the only secret added between RC1 and idgames is the invulnerability secret in the yellow key building, added because I noticed streamers often tried to find a secret in that spot only to be cucked by an impassable line.
  7. MAP05's creator here. It's really, really obscure (tbh probably too obscure but I think it's funny so I haven't changed it), but 100% possible, at least in dsda which we tested on but I don't see why GZ would break it:
  8. I saw an Arachnotron and Mancubus, too.
  9. title still sucks but chainsaw shield and sword gun
  10. megawad with myolden's name on it is really well made: volume 864895 or so
  11. All good, don't worry. Anyway, here's the opening I have so far without the berserk tint:
  12. I feel like that might completely break the voodoo script that handles the map's entire gimmick, so I dunno.
  13. It's timed, I think. Also, kudos for finding the soulsphere+invis secret on MAP05, lol.
  14. way to torture the psychopath who goes for 100% items on this WAD
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