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Wadmodder Shalton

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Everything posted by Wadmodder Shalton

  1. The music in this port sounds like your speakers are broken 😂
  2. The Postopia games: an old set of games released in the 2000s that were available between 2001 and 2011, which were tie-ins to Post Cereals' the current products of the 2000s. The website shut down in 2011 and replaced with PebblesPlay which didn't include the games there once on Postopia. Only a handful of games from the old Postopia website survive.
  3. Have your government agencies track the bot's IP address to raid their place
  4. It's not just the bot crisis problem in TF2, its the fact that the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch of the Source engine is "The New IE 6!" WHY?! Because Valve has always had a lack of communication between its Steam userbase and its modding community, and pretty much now lets any older engine branch of Source 1 to firmly rot with security issues and bot accounts. In addition, Valve is a company where any of its employees do whatever they want to, meaning they are extremely silent with communication between the consumers, its community and the developers. This means that any common law funded by the BSA, SIIA and ESA that involves "Software Patching Law", "Game Patching Law", "Patching Law" and "Security Fix", all terms you can search on Google is now pretty much useless at Valve, because its developers and employees do whatever they want to. Now for those that are wondering, what is the term "The New IE 6"? Well it's a common term on the internet since around the late-2000s to early-2010s where a software product's current state is compared to that of the infamous web browser by Microsoft, Internet Explorer 6 released in 2001 (the year of 9/11), which was a popular browser during the 2000s but was then criticized for its bugs and security exploits, and has now been hailed as one of the worst software products ever made, resulting in almost all websites dropping support for the outdated browser in the 2010s. Here's all the reasons why the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch is now the new IE 6, and all the reasons why the branch is so broken: 1. The Orange Box branch was made late into the DirectX 9-era of graphics card hardware back in 2007, the same year that Windows Vista and DirectX 10 were released, while the 2013 SteamPipe branch was a major overhaul update that was released late into DirectX 9's lifespan, as DX9 would end support when Windows XP ended support in 2014. Neither the Orange Box or SteamPipe branches ever supported any version of DirectX newer than 9 on Windows, and Valve wouldn't natively support any DirectX version newer than 9 in their later Source 1 branches released between 2008 and 2013 which were the branches for Left 4 Dead, Alien Swarm, Portal 2, CSGO and the original 2013 release of Dota 2, all of them still had only DirectX 9 as its maximum version. Valve wouldn't make the transition to DirectX 11 until Source 2 was released. 2. The Orange Box/SteamPipe branch relies on older networking APIs made during the late-1990s to early/mid-2000s, which are very easy for any hacking group to easily hack into and hijack VAC servers, which really means that hackers are adding more security risks via remote code execution to Steam users if their playing any multiplayer game that uses the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch, and Valve has been painfully slow to fix any of these security issues and for trying to adopt to newer networking and security APIs in both their Steam client and their game engines. This is really why all those bot accounts in TF2 are making use of all security exploits in the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch. 3. Valve's GitHub pages for Source Engine games is now pretty much useless and its community is extremely toxic, ranging from no real solutions to stuff Valve wouldn't implement. And GitHub only supports projects that support the version control system Git, which for sure works with any open-source project but is a very difficult solution for any Proprietary software offering, because it makes fixing any buggy code and security problems more complex. If your developing any proprietary software. use a mix of CVS, Hg, SVN, BZR, TFVC, Arch, Perforce and Fossil for whatever components of the software your developing, not just use only Git, because that create more complex problems to your software than any of the other version control systems available. 4. Because of the outdated DirectX 9 software-rendering nature of the branch in general, any game that uses it now consumes twice the number of resources, which includes memory, computing power, and for laptop users double the amount of battery life, when compared to native DirectX 11 and 12 hardware-rendering or even Vulkan hardware-rendering. What this basically means that Valve has just pretty much let every single hacker group exploit all security problems in the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch, meaning every Steam user who plays Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch and Half-Life Deathmatch Source are now going to be victim of remote code execution which are hosted on servers tied to hacker groups. This also means that Valve will never likely fix any of the security exploits that causes bots to invade TF2 servers both from Valve and the community because VAC hasn't been update to support any newer networking and security APIs made years after DirectX 9 was discontinued. If any modders are planning to make a multiplayer game or mod on the Source engine, they should not use the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch because of all the security issues that Valve has never been able to fix in-house. Use either the CSGO branch which is now only going to be used to create third-party games, or use the community-driven Strata branch, which offers more features, including support for DirectX 11, WebM video for FMVs, being exclusive to 64-bit processors and operating systems, PBR shaders, support for older versions of BSP, and much more. Both the CSGO and Strata Branch also have support for more networking and security APIs than what the Orange Box/SteamPipe branch has to offer.
  5. Besides, the Hacx IWAD is the same as the 1.2 freeware release, so that's nothing special or unique to iOS
  6. Which magazine does that screenshot come from?
  7. As a fan of Postal 1 & 2, This will be amazing. Hopefully RWS will be proud of this project's existence.
  8. What's next more Romantic pride flags and possibly fetish pride flags?
  9. I wonder if those floppy disc backups include the levels that got cut from the SNES port.
  10. Uh actually, the player weapon sprites hands were that of Kevin Cloud's, and maybe resizing the AI upscaled sprite back to whatever the original resolution size was wouldn't make much difference either.
  11. Gool's Forest 3 - a wierd parody version of CutManMike's Ghoul's Forest 3 that was being made by @Lizardcommando, we only have this video to speak of.
  12. Any projects in development on the old NewDoom forums.
  13. For the early gameplay mods released in the 2000s, like Aeons of Death and the AlandoGuns, many weapon sprites were "Model Rips" with pixelation added to convert them into sprites. Many gameplay mods also used monster sprites with the same "Model Rip" chunkyness to them. With the advent of AI image upscaling technology, I wonder if it's possible to use said software to remove the pixelation and make more clearer weapon and monster sprites, especially for making better 2.5D remake sprites of the Quake games, Heretic & Hexen 2, Doom 3, Doom 2016 and Eternal, and probably other 3D-modeled FPS games as well.
  14. A compilation for the music featured in the Risen3D Sitters and Abbs map sets.
  15. Also there's Regypt, which is found on this map pack on iddqd.ru, but don't expect much as it appears to had barely been finished.
  16. There was also the LUC project which was also a Quake 2 engine game, originally being developed by TeamTNT and later by Suspension Software which had its website taken down by the late-2000s. Also lost from TeamTNT are any materials for the cancelled projects that in development in the late-1990s. By 2007, a message was added to the top of TeamTNT's future projects page indicating that these were cancelled. These cancelled projects were: Doom Revisited - 32-level solo-play level pack attempting to recreate the feel of the original Doom/Doom2 series Eternally New - 32-level multiplayer Doom DM run through the Eternal Shell focusing on cooperative play PuzzleWorld - solo-play level pack focusing on puzzles Ragnarok: The Search For Aasgard and Ragnarok DM - a total conversion which was awaiting development of the Open Gaming Resource Engine (OGRE) Open Gaming Resource Engine (OGRE) - a source merger project between BOOM, WinDoom, and DOSDoom among others. This is not related to the non-TeamTNT OGRE Engine An additional 25 maps for Eternal Doom IV to convert it into a megawad, as the demo release was the final TeamTNT project ever released. Also, the TeamTNT DoomWiki page needs to be updated to indicate the defunct status of the group, and that the website was taken down in 2016, a year after Ty Halderman's passing.
  17. I bet one could find an old post on the Doom Usenet newsgroup archives about those mods somewhere. I wonder if one can find an old post on the Quake Usenet newsgroup archives about the Simpsons Quake mod.
  18. I wonder if there is a surviving copy of Beyond Wolfenstein anywhere on the internet.
  19. Marketable Plushies be like 🥰🤗🥰
  20. I've recently reuploaded this on GameBanana. Here's the reupload: https://gamebanana.com/mods/516557
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