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Wadmodder Shalton

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Everything posted by Wadmodder Shalton

  1. Alot of us are aware of the lengthy development cycle of Doom 2016 which was originally announced as Doom 4, back when John Carmack was still at id Software at the time. Originally planned to be an id Tech 5 engine game, it later jumped to become a debute title for the id Tech 6 engine instead. Originally announced as a Doom II-ish sequel to Doom 3 around the late-2000s, it would suffer from being a Call of Duty clone, resulting in the team at id Software referring to it as "Call of Doom" during development. By the end of early-2010s, the original version of Doom 4 was scrapped and John Carmack would leave id Software shortly afterwords. The Doom franchise would get rebooted in the mid-2010s resulting in Doom 2016 to good reviews and resulted in the current boomer-shooter we still have today. Given that it is very unlikely that the playable builds of Doom 4 (the ones when John Carmack was still at id Software at the time) will ever get leaked to the public, I wonder if anyone would be interested in creating a GZDoom project that would bring the Doom 4 we never got to a playable form using all the available video, concept art and screenshots, similar to the Duke Nukem Forever 2013 eDuke32 mod for Duke Nukem 3D which was made using trailers and screenshots from various iterations of that game prior to the leak of the 2001 build. It would probably be a curiosity to be taken seriously, given that we will never see the John Carmack-era builds of Doom 4 get leaked anytime soon. Hopefully, anyone would be interested in spearheading a Doom 4 1.0-inspired project in GZDoom.
  2. So a piece of @Ar_e_en's lost media is solved, supposedly.
  3. Wikia/Fandom's code is so bloated that it takes up twice the resources on mobile, compared to PCs.
  4. Oh, it's the infamous version that introduced major bugs both in the shell and the memory manager. And very few programs were ever made for version 4, and many avoided this version in favor of sticking to 3.3 due to crashes until version 5 was released.
  5. Not to mention that Night Dive Studios now has the ability to remaster almost every PC and Console FPS ever made in the 1990s and early-2000s with some accuracy in mind to the originals, meaning we are going to see less MS-DOS PC games being rereleased via DOSBox in the future.
  6. GZDoom's graphics options are too bloated for high-performance low-powered mobile devices. It would require rewriting the graphics code to get it optimized on iOS to begin with. As we learned from Steve Jobs' "Thoughts on Flash" open letter, you have to have to decode the codec (Audio, Video or Image formats) be run through hardware, as software decoding uses too much power, and you have to use both native iOS programming languages and HTML5 if you want to support Apple's devices. Also, Apple deprecated OpenGL in both iOS and macOS in 2018 in favor of Metal, and doesn't even support Vulkan, as they supposedly abandoned their membership with the Khronos Group.
  7. 3D Maze - Mauzymice's Cat edition :3


  8. Just updated the old WAD list for the former TeamTNT members and their WAD catalog, where I've filled in the remaining authors and their WADs for you to play, thanks to this archived list from the old TeamTNT website.

  9. Eternal Doom Versions 1 & 2. The earlier versions that were released around late-1995 to early-1996 (maybe even mid-1996) when Team Eternal were in charge before TeamTNT acquired and reworked it. Only the third version of Eternal Doom (known as Eternal Doom III) is widely available, making the first two versions almost difficult if not impossible to find.
  10. I know this is purely speculation, but it's possible that these extra maps were likely also to be features in the scrapped GT Interactive retail version of Marine Doom. Once GT Interactive's retail version of Marine Doom was scrapped, that proposed retail version morphed into the TNT Team games NAM and WWII GI.
  11. Someone turn this weapon into a sprite please.
  12. Torrent files are only ever used by many shady pirate BitTorrent sites, unless its Internet Archive of course. So no, I don't think the idgames Archive should use the Torrent format because that just created even more wait time to download any PWAD one wants to play.
  13. Mainly because Valve turned GitHub into a wannabe member of both the ESA and SIIA, and communication between developers of proprietary software and the userbase is toxic compared to unofficial patches. In addition, since COVID-19, Valve has been very silent about all the other bugs in their other Source 1 engine games, meaning that they don't even know how to properly use any of the software patching laws funded by the ESA and SIIA.
  14. Many game preservation should put tons of video game preservation propaganda posters on the front doors of the game companies to get them very serious about preservation. Also, all game companies should stop destroying all copies of their source codes for their old and new games, which is now the 21st Century equivalent to the old Wiping trend of the 1960s to 1980s where TV archives junked many old episodes of old shows.
  15. Related to Heretic as opposed Doom. Witchaven but if it was done on a lower-budget.
  16. I've got in touch with Rebecca Ann Heineman on X regarding the map and CGI, and it's confirmed that the map was designed specifically for this trailer and was never meant to be in the 3DO version.
  17. Someone get in touch with Rebecca Ann Heineman regarding the map used in the video.
  18. The original versions of Storage Area 32, Gothic Dreams & Silent Steel, which were made by Dark 7 author @Gunrock. They were replaced by remastered versions in recent years, making the originals harder to find. We have Dissolution in both its original and remastered forms available.
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