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About Amuscaria

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  1. You can see them in action, at least the early iteration. The resource wad has fully functional monsters. :)
  2. What custom monsters do you think Doom modding needed that currently doesn't exist that would fit in with the current canon (Doom I/II) roster? What roles would they play? What would be their mechanics? Their designs, etc?
  3. I don't think any of the Hell-Forged enemies ever made it onto R667, because they were never submitted. You can just copy the resources out of the Hell-Forged Ep1 wad, with its decorate, sounds and Sound Info texts.
  4. I'm not the one that made them. Pretty sure it was NMN(?) or Vader.
  5. Took me a while play the right file, because I spent the first 20 minutes wondering where all the crazy stuff was, before I realized I was playing the MyHouse.wad and not the MyHouse.PK3. Having played the actual mod, I just have to say this is the trippiest and most creative map I've played in my 25+ years of Doom modding. There are so many alternate paths, I'm not sure if I even seen the entirety of the mod. Fantastic use of stock Doom texture for the detailing. It's quite amazing how much detail you can achieve with the regular doom textures. The portals use is amazing, with fantastic atmosphere and ambience. Definitely giving it a second run through because I'm sure there is more than I've seen so far.
  6. Thank you for taking the time to play and review! :D There are some patterns to the secrets, although maybe not as obvious as the original Doom. The rust face switches are never used as normal switches, and only used for secrets (usually as a shootable switch), and always the one that doesn't look like the others around it. The Green key is usually marked by a Skull Rust Switch texture between the Blue and Yellow areas of the map (Skull, blue+yellow makes green :P), with exception to the second map there there is no yellow area, or in secret dark map where there is also no yellow area. On some maps its more obvious then others. The other secrets follow the usual Doom tropes, off color textures, secret switch behind a normal switch, indented walls, etc. Although the darkness on some maps may make it hard for to spot them. There is also the shootable eye switches, that you can only hit with the hitscan weapon, at the end of a very narrow hole in the wall. Secrets are important, but most of the ammo are not hidden in secrets, you just need to explore a bit. A lot of them are hidden on top of crates you have to jump up to, or just around some corner. Also the charging up of the Vorpal blade and using its alt fire will clear large groups of monsters, saving tons of ammo. Pinkies are there not to be shot, but as Vorpal Blade chargers. As for the Wheel of Pain (the demon heart weapon), its stronger than the Immolator, it does full splash damage on impact to anything near the primary target, it regens health, and the alternate fire replenishes your blood ammo (I hope you've made use of the alternate fire modes for all the weapons). Its range is shorter for balance reasons. Since the weapon always gibs, it will be more useful in Episode 2 with the self-reviving undead monsters where gibbing prevents self-revives. The Mushrooms are part of the secrets. Getting all of them will unlock the super-secret Shark Level after you beat the final boss. Each normal map has 1 mushroom, for a total of 9. :)
  7. Good catch. Add the following lines to the Vulgar and Defiler, respectively. Vulgar: BloodColor "7d 66 35" Defiler: BloodColor "95 91 16"
  8. Thought I'd release them, since I'll be away for a while, and for safe keeping as I've had terrible experiences of losing years of work for Demon Eclipse due to a hard drive crash.
  9. Ah forgot to include the Putrefier to the list. I've updated the resource wad with the fixes. If you don't wanna redownload add the following lines to DECITEM2 text lump in HF2Res.wad. ACTOR StriderArmor : DraugrArmor //Used for Strider only { Armor.SaveAmount 200 }
  10. I will be going on a break from Doom-modding for a while to work on artwork. I've added all of the newest monsters into the HF2 Resource Wad for public use. You are free to use these resources as you see fit, as long as they don't require a Creative Common license on the resource. I won't be release HF2 resource into CC until the mod reaches its 1.00 state, which will be a while. See this thread for more details and the download link:
  11. I will be taking a break from Doom modding to work on some artwork. I've updated the Hell-Forged E2 resources to include all of the newest monsters, some more polished ones from the first release, as well as the weapons and misc sprites I've complete so far as a public resource. The resources for HFE2 are NOT currently under creative commons, but you are free to use them in your mods so long as it doesn't violate that condition. See OP for download link. All of the weapons and monsters are fully functional, with decorate and sounds, although I don't know how balanced they are in-game, as they've only been tested in non-game contexts. The HFE2Res wad is usable in-game if you have Hell-Forged v1.11. Just load both mods, with the E2 wad second. You'll need a ZDoom-family port that supports PNGs, as all of the sprites have their own palette, not the Doom one. The Resource wads include 14 monsters and 2 weapons: [Monsters] Mite Wight Striga Vampyr Vulgar Corpse Spider Abyss Crawler Bloodhound Putrefier Necrodemon Hemodemon Strider Succubus Defiler [Weapons] Skull of Blight Manticore
  12. Vorpal Blade wave doesn't seem to reflect correctly in a mirror.
  13. Bloodhound animation test. Based on the Hellhound sketch from Hellstorm, by Collin Portratz. Changed the colors to fit the theme of HF2. Turbo-pinky type monster.
  14. I currently have no plans on making a weapons-only mod. Maybe after the mod is completed. The closest thing would be Xaser's EriGuns 2 mod he released some time ago.
  15. Added Corpse Spider monster. See Opening post. Super-fast undead monster.
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