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Vince Vega

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About Vince Vega

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  1. Hmm, I always thought some inconsistency is an essential part of the DWI, just like when you casually play WADs of different authors, even id Software had very inconsistent style and difficulty (compare Doom E1/2/3 with E4)... Different hosts, different WAD authors, different complevels (which also adds some variety) -- this is expected and welcome, I'd be tired of playing same style WADs again and again :D (so I strongly believe there's nothing for you to apologize for) Specifically, from @pcorf's works, I UV-Maxed 2002: ADO and Whispers of Satan and would also name them, hmm, strange, weird, I don't know, but overall I had mixed/complicated emotions from these two. Just like I had the same from some of the DWI picks that I played. Still, this didn't affect my overall experience with the DWIL etc etc :> After reading your post, I became curious now whether my ultra-hard submissions (Criticality & Miasma for March'21, DVII for April this year) with no survivors hurt overall DWIronman experience in your opinion. I'm fine with any answer, just wanted to know how it does look like to you guys :D
  2. SID survived in 88 minutes, Bauhaus survived in 70 minutes :> TBH I don't enjoy such confusing level design with seldom low-tiers. Lots of backtracking and hunting some barely noticeable hints, dunno :s There were some interesting moments in both WADs though, but in general, not my sort of coffee. The SID demo has a fight with a Cyber having 1 percent health :D Category I, never played any of them. dvvsidbh.zip
  3. Sorry folks, I've been pretty busy and need a couple weeks more to finish watching the demos and writing obituaries. Congrats for @Asbadagba and @ClumsyCryptid!
  4. Category? I have 9 free days (not working) and will be updating the scores soon.
  5. CC1 is sometimes used for hard WADs. It works like that you start on UV and try to beat as many maps as possible. When you die, you start on HMP instead of UV. If you die, you start on HNTR. The final result will be the one with the most maps beaten. I never played like that even when it was used, I haven't played on difficulties easier than UV for 13 years already, so you have only one UV try even though my both host submissions weren't simple (March'21: Criticality & Miasma, now that) :p
  6. Sorry @NaZa but I'm dead xD Category II (was watching a lot of UV-Maxes back in 2013-2014), MAP03, 81 kills, 10 minutes on the map / 34 minutes total. I expected that since my DWI picks are always bitchy :p But I'd really like to see survivals, especially 13-map ones! :> Note that if you don't go play MAP29, you won't be able to hit MAP31 and 32, IOW you either get 10 maps or 13. dvvdviii.zip
  7. April, 2024 > The yearly standings > The Ironman Discord Server Standard Leaderboard ... Prepared Leaderboard ... What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! In April 2024 the DWIronman League dies to Deus Vult II (-complevel 9), a 13-map episode made by Huy Pham (@Doom Marine). We declare a new Crusade on this Easter! Enjoy mesmerizing views throughout different realms, hilarious easter eggs and phenomenal at its time level design... until you realize it's not a walk in a park. Let the first couple maps prepare you for the "real" DVII, just like Scythe I and II do it, and then ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ! Essential Info Doom II (doom2.wad) + Deus Vult II (see below) Compatibility level 9, or "Boom (strict)" for ZDoom derivative ports 10 + 3 maps (see below) Time estimate (if survival): 2 - 4 hours I recommend OpenGL, as DVII maps are quite complex and may lag with the software rendering And remember: Vince never heard of CC1 rule! Note on map count: Apart from two secret levels, MAP29 gives you a choice. You can either go left and then the level immediately ends, or go right ("Belial you fvcker, come here") and then play full first Deus Vult. It's quite hard and requires 1-2 hours to complete. So I give you a choice as well. If you skip the map, it will still be a survival, but the players who go play DV will receive lots of additional points! Note on WAD pick: there are two versions of DVII: dvii-1i and dvii-1u. The first one is /idgames compatible, the second one has copyrighted music. IIRC there are no map differences and they are compatible. If DW doesn't ban me for the link, pick the one you like the most :D > Download dvii-1i (/idgames) > Download dvii-1u (moddb) prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -complevel 9 -file dvii-1i.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 -record dwi-dvii.lmp Rules: Previous threads:
  8. Survived in 3:11:xx, Category I -- have seen a couple UV-Maxes of the original Icarus: Alien Vanguard, but nothing related to icar2015 :> That took some time and I got lost and ran in circles several times, but I enjoyed having 1% health on a damaging floor :D dvvica15.zip
  9. Hi, after another relocation, the "Ironman exclusive" (c) is back here again. Cat (🐈) 1, survived with the total time of 47:22. I expected worse results after I haven't been playing for a while ^.^ Interesting and relatively calm hommage, after I read the OP I expected harder levels or a sharper difficulty spike :> dvvhom25.zip
  10. MAP05, 107 minutes in the game (oh well) (24 minutes since the intermission IIRC), ~290 fellas down. Category I. "Ok two Archies I'll take them down with the plasma -- no too slow, I'll kill them with the RL -- noo now they're too close, gotta switch to the plas -- ... :))))" 1% health on one of the earlier maps included :> And I was constantly getting lost on those fathomless maps (3 and 5) and was doing some backtracking cringe a couple (dozen) times, so have some patience watching the demo :D dvvabsol.zip
  11. Sorry that I disappeared for quite a long. I've been busy as an Arch-Vile and completely forgot about Doom ._. MAP06, 25 kills, time on the map 4:03, total time is 70 minutes. Category I, purr blindly. Crap, that was horrible. Finished 5 maps with only a couple of dangerous health drops and then your curiosity makes you do silly things which -- surprise -- lead to your death. Maybe finish the rest two first to have a survival and then do anything you may want? -- Naaah, too boring, let's mess up the take! dvvunwel.zip
  12. Well... Nothing interesting. E1M1, around 90 mobs killed, Cat I. I thought the Cacos can't fly into the window. I was wrong ._. dvvsgsym.zip
  13. Cat I, pure blind. MAP14, ~220 kills, 77 minutes ingame. Worst things happen not when there are tons of enemies, but when you get lost. I had no idea where to go next, as I got back to the main area with no new keys. So I decided to return to the previous place, but in order to do that, you need to do some stupid platforming now that the platforms lowered during the first visit. I failed to do that 5 times and left with 2 HP thanks to -10 lava floors everywhere. "Kapitulieren? -- Niemals!" -- I thought and ended my suffering with a rocket. Such good chances to survive this month, but seems like '95 level design is tougher than me. dvvpurge.zip
  14. Missed April because got back to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl modding and forgot that sleep, food, work, and DWIronman exist. Dumb, dumb Vega. My mod rage traditionally calmed down a bit to the middle of May, so here I am. Cat I, died at the end of MAP01 to :))))) Horrendous performance, it took just one month to lose skill lol rly. I really liked dehacked changes tho, that's how I like to make games more difficult and interesting: not by throwing you into fuckloads of enemies, but by making them more variate and have more ways to hurt you. Especially when low-tier enemies with nearly 1 HP can take 100 HP off you }:> Must-have-pistol-replacement included. Vanilla's is absolutely pathetic, and here we have 3-bullet fire mode rifle -- love that. I usually switch rifles from automatic mode to 2-3 bullet in FPS games when available, so perfect hit for me. dvvmalev.zip
  15. Cat I, survived in 2:23:34. Sounds great, right? Right? What could go wrong? The last command line entry I had in the history was -playdemo from the previous run. So there was no -warp... And no -skill. - But your default skill is set to UV, right? - :)))))) - Right? Please? Doomguy: Me: Can I get at least, dunno, 30% from the points that I would've got on UV? I don't want to realize I wasted 2.5 hr of my life for literally nothing >_______< I ran the WAD on UV after I finished the playthrough, seems like it's not THAT different from HMP... Nice WAD BTW xD dvvddfck.zip
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