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About kdoom

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  1. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had some real life issues to deal with lately. My parents are both passed away now, and it's been tough to find motivation. Despite that, I'm still working on this monster, and I will finish it soon.
  2. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. After seeing a few people play through it, I'm fairly certain that map02 is just too unfair at the finale. I've already swapped that battle out with a better but still tough battle in the same area. I've done some small tweaks here and there, all over both maps. Also adding coop support. Hard telling how long it'll be until I'm happy with it. I suppose there's no harm in leaving this WIP version here until I release the final version.
  3. I have to admit, I do not like the finale in map02. I'm revisiting these maps, adjusting a bit here and there, and will add a few special things for coop support.
  4. Thanks for the tips. I looked at Irregular Entropy first. Wow that's a cool one. I suck at playing, so I ended up in god mode to see how it really played out. Gzdoom has really changed the mapping world for Doom. This style of maps was an impossible wish not so long ago.
  5. Just built a new PC around an rtx4060. Not sure why I felt the need, but wow does Gzdoom look really nice! On another note, gameplay progress on this open map area is tough. It's very hard to predict where a player might decide to go. I have some novel ideas to make it interesting, no matter where the player wanders. I've been away so long, and I'm curious if there are other maps similar to this open terrain design? I would love to play them for inspiration.
  6. I tried a terrain generator for this map, but ended up just doing it one triangle at a time. There's just not enough control, if using a terrain generator. I'm also adding sounds to this. So it sounds like a forest. Seeing a mancubus, or cacodemon fire through the trees is a bit intimidating. I'm excited about this map. I've never used so many sectors in a map, but Gzdoom seems to run it well even on my shitty old laptop.
  7. Been working on this for a bit. It uses a lot of triangular sectors, and hand edited vertex heights, to create a fairly cool looking map. Granted, this does not look like the Doom I remember, but its neat to see it anyway. Storyline will be something pertaining to an earth invasion. I don't know how long it'll take me to finish this thing, because the gameplay aspect of it is really tough to get correct. Heres a few screenies. I did not make the tree sprites, they are from https://pixabay.com/ . I did edit the size and color, and added a little detail to the trunks.
  8. Thanks for the playthrough Boris! It does seem a bit unfair at certain points. The finale of map02, there is a switch under the slime, that gives you a shot at the boss. I won't say anymore, but that's the only thing that seemed to stop you. I'm going to adjust the health distribution a little bit, and consider this final.
  9. I know the ending to map02 is really unfair. I recommend a save at the door, and explore the rooms mechanics, then load that savegame and end it. The finale being really hard, especially on UV, but I think this version is ready to be called final. I'll wait a couple days, and upload if I don't hear of any bugs.
  10. Thank you for playing my maps! That was a very good run you did, too. I really enjoyed watching. I have to admit, the ending battle is a bit unfair, but you did it!
  11. Thank you! Sadly, I found the missing secret. I put it there early in construction of the map. It's a bit embarrassing, but oh well!! No changes to the map. RC2 version is still the latest, unless I hear of another change and/or bug.
  12. I think the 4th secret in map02 should not exist. I must have added it by mistake....not sure how I did that, but it seems that way. Is there a method to find these? I tried the find/replace function, looking for sector flag 1024, but that doesn't seem to work.
  13. Built and tested with 4.11.1. I'm not sure about older version compatibility.
  14. Well, not sure if I agree about the legend part, but I would like to hear your thoughts on the maps!
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