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Everything posted by Bridgeburner56

  1. Definitely been a few upsets so far this tournament, including NZ getting thumped by Afghanistan which has put our chances of getting to the Super 8 in jeopardy. Cool seeing the US with a chance of getting through though. If they beat Ireland they're pretty much there (assuming they'll lose to India).
  2. Gonna say this once and once only. Any further off topic shittery will result in action being taken against disruptive people.
  3. Stream because you enjoy it, not to chase numbers. And yeah, seconding what other people have said here. Feeling like you own viewers or people owe you something is a short path to misery and resentment.
  4. For the record, you can fade music in/out via ACS scripting (although true crossfade is not possible). If you want examples I've used it extensively in Bastion of Chaos and the Age of Hell demo. There's an example script on the wiki too https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetMusicVolume
  5. NZ's T20 world cup warm up tour of Pakistan starts this week and the matches start at 2am NZ time. Debating how much sleep is worth sacrificing to watch lol.
  6. I'm what could be politely described as "a (kiwi) raging cricket nut" c: Very much looking forward to the T20 world cup, and nothing tops cricket catches (I'm also the one who's been inflicting cricket on @Major Arlene's poor American mind)
  7. Pale Monument, Zealous Machine, Obsidian Nightmare, Whispers of the Gnarled King and Harlot's Garden are top of the pile for me
  8. In a gaming context, the only thing that really matters is "is the gun fun to use". If you tick that box then everything else is secondary.
  9. Your server is awash with claims I dictate who wins the Cacowards behind the scenes. Pony up with proof or shut the fuck up. Either way your claim you have no conflicts with anyone is more flimsy than a wet bus ticket Yeah it was me, said in pubic woooo big mystery super secret! I left it up deliberately because I'm more than happy to stand behind my public statements. I'll say it again now: AI generated content is a blight on the creative industry. Stop trying to be coy, you're not good at it. Zlimbratiski actually did that this year and it was really fucking cool. Perfect example of how to start your own awards show.
  10. Damn I run the Cacowards? I wish someone had told me, I would've given myself many many Baubles of Office. Oh well, it'll have to wait till next year.
  11. Render radius is one of the biggest frame rate destroyers going (exponential increase in the amount of checks an actor does for collision, dynamic lights etc). It's not a good solution for actors that are used extensively.
  12. Locked because warez (removed link) (link lol)
  13. Having an interactable element to trigger saving is a good way to do this. Beyond Sunset has terminals that save and everyone you see one it's like "oh, I'll go save now". It's the player's choice to do it so you don't get the surprising lag, and it's woven into the game aesthetic in a natural fashion.
  14. I've had similar issues with these kinds of intersections before and the best reason I could uncover was that it's essentially the node builder fritzing out leading to holes in the geometry. A way to test if the slopes are the issue is reset your vertex slopes to zero where the 3d floor is and see if the issue persists.
  15. Well, I think I've found the project that'll break me out of my Doom player drought.
  16. Seems an appropriate time to remind people you can set the sector lightmode via mapinfo, and a lot of maps do this because it is the lightmode designed around (eg Elementalism)
  17. Yeah these look incredible. Very nice work c:
  18. Alright gonna lock this if it keep heading off kilter
  19. Help has been dispensed. People leave communities all the time, it is the nature of things. It's a thing you have to accept and thinking otherwise is an exercise in self denial. People move on, you should too Edit* Also the doom community is stronger that it's every been
  20. *taking notes* Sorry, realised how this could be read. For the record, Major Arlene nailed it with her first post. *continues to take notes*
  21. This ^ All formats are equally good to start with. They all have their own quirks, strengths and drawbacks. Pick the one that seems the most fun, or best supports the kind of maps you want to make. For the record I started with Doom in Hexen back in 2002.
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