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About D88M

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  1. Oh, well is not the end of the world, i just dont like the look of OpenGL in pixel games but is not a big deal. If you do find that mod let me know please Regarding Doom 64, i dont have access to a computer anymore but i will see if i can do it from my cellphone if a patcher is all it needs. I will check that and the PSX Doom thing and come back here, thanks for answers, i love how in this forum you can get a answer to literally any question you can have about Doom
  2. Huh, i selected GZDoom 3.8.2 but i dont find it, i am gonna look for it again, thanks for the answer. Edit: Nevermind, found it, i am still finishing setting up everything, speaking of which, it could be that software renderer provokes performance issues? I think is just my crappy cellphone (samsung galaxy a02) but is just that i prefer 1000 times over that look to OpenGL One more thing, probably a dumb question since i just saw something like this but i saw i can play Doom 64 in there too, how do i do it? And the PSX Doom port that was made recently is a wad too? Because i would love to play that too
  3. Hello, i have a question. I have wanted to get Doom on my phone for a while i have been looking until i found Delta Touch. I tried playing Freedoom which from what i understand is similar, but a big problem i have is that it had vertical look and it cannot be deactivated or anything, and for Doom specially on a phone that is a big gameplay issue which makes it almost unplayable. Does Delta Touch also has this issue, or it can be configured?
  4. Welcome to Doomworld! Hope you enjoy your time here! And I'm not an admin, I'm just welcoming you here!

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