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Give Me Ya Pretzels

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About Give Me Ya Pretzels

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  1. Ok, thank you! I am glad y’all enjoyed it! also @Frost-Core I realize your right for some reason I got the two assets mixed up in my mind and I was too confident to really check.
  2. nah, its heretic but thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it! :D
  3. Thank You guys! Tell me if you enjoyed it when you started playing it
  4. You want my pretzels? Sure, but you have to find my in the fridge first.

  5. I will, but I want to watch the parts they’re in before I add them. I am only on part 3 and part 3 is long
  6. Ohhhh, I get it, it’sa HUH (quake jump sound)/10. Lol, that’s a good one
  7. Thank you. I am glad you like it and I will dial back the recoil on the weapons. I am a bit confused though, is the huh/10 a HUH!!! Or Huh?
  8. The title explains it all. Its basically if ID software created Quake to be even more Doom than it already is. It mixes aspects of Quake, Quake 2, and Doom together, but all it really changes are the weapons. I started this mod all the way back in 2018 or 2019, I took a really long break from it though but I worked on it again in 2020. I polished it up and made the weapons way more satisfying and better than they originally were (all the guns before this update were really flat and vanilla). Then I took a long break from it again and almost forgot about it until now. I made some small adjustments in 2021 and made more today and now I think its good enough to release! Weapons: Fist (they are way better than in doom, you punch really fast and can beat to death zombiemen really easily) Chainsaw (the chainsaw can quickly kill most enemies) Shotgun (starting weapon, shoots pretty fast) Super Shotgun (is similar to quake's super shotgun, it shoots faster than the original but deals a lot of damage) Nailgun (it shoots fast and has a spreadshot altfire) Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher Hyperlaser (it shoots kinda fast and deals a lot of damage) Railgun (shoots really slow but deals a ton of damage) BFG 2704 (Either shoots a ton of plasma balls really fast, or 4 bfg9000 balls at the same time like a shotgun) That is all it really adds but its very polished (in my opinion) I hope y'all love it and enjoy it :) download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh9ijh6ovoy70ld/QuakeZen.pk3?dl=1
  9. Well, yes, but they're used at some points in the show and I just wanted to reference that. These are also demons the Joestars are fighting so guns will work anyways.
  10. I just fixed it. Now (one of the hands) is not cut off anymore and looks pretty good
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