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Give Me Ya Pretzels

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Everything posted by Give Me Ya Pretzels

  1. Ok, thank you! I am glad y’all enjoyed it! also @Frost-Core I realize your right for some reason I got the two assets mixed up in my mind and I was too confident to really check.
  2. nah, its heretic but thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it! :D
  3. Thank You guys! Tell me if you enjoyed it when you started playing it
  4. I will, but I want to watch the parts they’re in before I add them. I am only on part 3 and part 3 is long
  5. Ohhhh, I get it, it’sa HUH (quake jump sound)/10. Lol, that’s a good one
  6. Thank you. I am glad you like it and I will dial back the recoil on the weapons. I am a bit confused though, is the huh/10 a HUH!!! Or Huh?
  7. The title explains it all. Its basically if ID software created Quake to be even more Doom than it already is. It mixes aspects of Quake, Quake 2, and Doom together, but all it really changes are the weapons. I started this mod all the way back in 2018 or 2019, I took a really long break from it though but I worked on it again in 2020. I polished it up and made the weapons way more satisfying and better than they originally were (all the guns before this update were really flat and vanilla). Then I took a long break from it again and almost forgot about it until now. I made some small adjustments in 2021 and made more today and now I think its good enough to release! Weapons: Fist (they are way better than in doom, you punch really fast and can beat to death zombiemen really easily) Chainsaw (the chainsaw can quickly kill most enemies) Shotgun (starting weapon, shoots pretty fast) Super Shotgun (is similar to quake's super shotgun, it shoots faster than the original but deals a lot of damage) Nailgun (it shoots fast and has a spreadshot altfire) Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher Hyperlaser (it shoots kinda fast and deals a lot of damage) Railgun (shoots really slow but deals a ton of damage) BFG 2704 (Either shoots a ton of plasma balls really fast, or 4 bfg9000 balls at the same time like a shotgun) That is all it really adds but its very polished (in my opinion) I hope y'all love it and enjoy it :) download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh9ijh6ovoy70ld/QuakeZen.pk3?dl=1
  8. Well, yes, but they're used at some points in the show and I just wanted to reference that. These are also demons the Joestars are fighting so guns will work anyways.
  9. I just fixed it. Now (one of the hands) is not cut off anymore and looks pretty good
  10. Yeah, I will try to fix that. But what do you think of the gameplay?
  11. Introduction and Background: Hey y'all, before I seen Jojo, I hated all animes. After watching one episode of Jojo after being pressured by my brother and a good friend of mine, I realized it is really fucking good. I don't like the fanbase and I still hate basically every other anime, and I also hate watching subs (because I hate reading and hearing the high pitched voices of anime girls hurts my hears and soul like spikes) but I still like Jojo. the JJBA dub is actually surprisingly good, like the voice acting is actually better than the sub in my opinion sometimes. I remember one day trying to look for doom mods where you can play as Jojo characters but there were only 3 I could find. One of them is where you can play as Dio (which is pretty good), one where you can play as Yoshikage Kira (I have not seen part 4 yet, I am on part 3), and a janky mod where you can play as Joseph Joestar. So, as a doom modder myself, I had the wonderful idea of making a mod where you can play as the protagonists from Jojo. Honestly I am surprised a mod like this has not come out sooner. What the fuck is this mod? This mod changes the game so that you can play as Jonathan Joestar Joesph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo each character has their own starting weapons, and one of the character have weapons that they can find later in the levels of doom. Each character also plays slightly differently. What can each character do and what weapons do they get Jonathan Joestar: He starts out with his bare fists (he can do Hamon Overdrive as an altfire), Pluck (a sword he powers up with Hamon), and a revolver. Joseph Joestar: he starts out with his fist (he can also do hamon overdrive), A M1928 Thompson with 200 rounds of ammo, 5 grenades, and his American Clackers Jotaro Kujo: can summon Star Platnium to punch enemies by pressing 1 and then pressing the fire button, or you can stop time by pressing 2 and pressing the fire button. He is the only one who can pick up and use the glock that is dropped by Chaingunners. He shoot the glock or throw the glock to Star Platnium and have Star Platnium use the glock for you. Credits: I don't own anything in this mod Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and its characters are property of Hirohiko Araki Voice Clips of Jojo Characters are owned by David Productions (Yeah, I said I like the dub better but I could not find any clips from the dub I could take from youtube) The Jonathan sprites were taken from a Mugen mod by Amarimono The other sprites are taken from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future which are owned by Capcom. The Pluck sprites and the Jonathan Fist sprites are taken Hexen so the sprites are owned by Raven Software. The M1928 Thompson sprites are taken from Blood so the sprites are owned by Monolith Software. The Jotaro hand sprites and the Glock sprite were created by cybermeme. Thanks to creator of the Dio mod because I used some of the code but I modified it to be original to allow Star Platnium to work. Thanks to JoeyTD, Minigunner for the glock drop sprite. Thanks to lolo_is_cool for the M1928 Thompson code that I used and modified a little to make more satisfying to shoot and to fit more with the mod. The mod I used as a basis was called JosephDoom and was created by robocraftgamer02: https://www.moddb.com/mods/josephdoom/downloads/josephdoom-version-10 and thanks to robocraftgamer02 for the Joseph sprites I take and made better for Joseph. If I missed anyone that I should credit, let me know and I will add them to the list. I hope y'all enjoy this mod and have fun! :) Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7zvdm39d4e6ta6/Jojo Bizarre Doom Adventure.pk3?dl=1 Changelog: 1.0: Full Release 1.0.1: Made the hand sprites better and added HUD faces for the other 2 characters.
  12. Hello I am working on a new doom mod and for some reason slade is not allowing the ability to select multiple items at once. also certain images are not viewable. Is there a way to fix this or is the new version of slade absolute garbage?
  13. It turns out that someone has made a Doom Mod just like mine but it was made around 4-5 months after mine. I am not saying he stole my idea, he probably had no idea some other dumbass would make a mod like that as well; but If you want more memes in your doom mods maybe check his mod out as well.
  14. I am sorry that I didn't make it clear that I wasn't interested in working on your ideas anymore until now. I didn't say anything partially because I forgot about working on it and checking the thread, and also because I was worried you would be upset or at least a bit unhappy that I would not be working on your ideas anymore. Also, Tbh, I can see how you would think what you said wouldn't sound so demanding and pressuring. Sometimes we write stuff to people that we don't think sounds threatening, demanding, or pressuring when we first write it but when the person receives it they see it as those things but it wasn't intentional. That doesn't mean what everyone else said isn't valid. Bumping the thread isn't cool and what you wrote did sound kind of demanding and pressuring and the rate you were pumping out requests added on even more pressure because it was a very fast rate. I also hate making people unhappy or upset so that just makes thing a little worse. Also, I didn't actually see what you wrote until now (as in the "how is it coming" message), I kept putting off working on adding in ledbullet's ideas until school started, and then I had to focus school and could not focus on working on the mod and I still can't focus on working on the mod because its not break and I have homework. But even I had time, I don't know if I would work on it anyways. I am not interested anymore. Hopefully we can all forgive each other, realize the errors of our ways, and just play the dang mod. :)
  15. Thank you, I thought they were pretty crap in retrospective but thanks to you I feel more confident that they’re good. I am glad you like it :)
  16. Yeah, I’m sorry guys but I’ve been pretty busy lately. I have school and finals are coming up and it’s almost Christmas time so I will be seeing a lot of family and stuff. So, I don’t really have the time or motivation to work on this mod anymore. TheMagicMushroomMan, thank for defending me, that’s kind of how I felt. I only really made those updates, not because I wanted to, but just so I can appease him. I mean, they were good ideas, just that I can’t really work on them rn. Besides, I have another project I need to work on but I have no time for it either. I made this mod during the summer and during the early school year. That’s when I have the most time. To be honest, I am so happy y’all love my mod. I didn’t think I would be so good at it. Thank you all for playing. I have no plans for any new updates but hopefully I might be bored one day during the summer and I might work on this mod again. Not entirely sure though. Oh yeah, magicmushroomman, have you tried the mod out yet, I hope you like it.
  17. yes, that should be the last thing I do. I will start working on it next weekend. That's a great idea.
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