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About Megarop

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  1. Tying how much damage you take to random chance was a mistake. I mean, if you look at the damage numbers, it's ridiculous how much they vary. Most of the projectiles have a maximum damage 8 times higher than the minimum damage and for most of the melee attacks it's 10 times higher. The worst one is the hell baron melee attack doing between 8 and 80 damage. Based entirely on factors outside of your control, it can either barely do any damage or nearly kill you in one hit. How is that fair? Every time I get low on health I think "man, I bet i'd be dead if that last attack did more damage".
  2. Like I said, the news in the UK talks about American politics all the time. You should've seen the BBC during the election, at this point I bet anyone in the UK who isn't at least somewhat familiar with American politics must live under a rock and never read the national news. Saying only neo-nazis wouldn't think american politics are alien is just ridiculous.
  3. Europe is a big place, I don't think it's ever really fair to say "the average European thinks this". I mean, I don't think the average person in the UK thinks American politics are "completely alien", the national news there talks about American politics all the time.
  4. Reminds me of the place with all the robots from jumpstart mystery mountain.
  5. I agree with dusty_rhodes and Gerolf, I think doom guy was more likable back when he was just a heroic space marine and not some kind of superhuman with custom built demon power armor. I think his unused voice lines from quake 3 were a pretty cool interpretation of the character.
  6. new hell knight 2 design, hell knight with half health
  7. elf lookin self with the pointy ears
  8. That makes a lot of sense, I take it back.
  9. I disagree that most of the media is extremely right-leaning. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine all seem to take a left wing position on all the issues you mention (public healthcare, minimum wage, police reform, the environment).
  10. I don't know if it's a secret I'm missing or I keep doing the rooms in the wrong order or what but I just don't know how people can go through Tricks and Traps or The Pit without thinking they aren't getting much ammo. It feels like i'm taking crazy pills because nobody i've seen talking about those levels even mentions it. Also, if you don't find the secrets that give you more shells in The Focus you only get, like, the exact minimum amount of ammo you could theoretically use to kill all the enemies. I tried intentionally not getting the secrets on it once and I finished with a single shell left or something like that.
  11. A lot of the levels in Doom 1 and 2 barely give you any ammo.
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