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About Lifeform

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  1. I played some maps in Vandomizer 1.0.4 and i had fun with your mod. - Same tier enemy and ammo spawns: IMO this is the best so far vanilla experience for a solid randomizer experience. - All enemy and ammo spawns: This mode kind of rubs me the wrong way, Don't get me wrong, I love having end game monsters in my doom experience, but i feel this is horribly balanced, the spawn rate for end level monsters is way to high, i see too many cyber demons, and too many masterminds, when i just start a map with a pistol. I wish this game mode was balanced better, More challenging then "Same tier enemy and ammo spawns" but not impossible to beat like "TOTAL FUCKING CHAOS" right not it feels like the latter. - TOTAL FUCKING CHAOS = I tried that, its not for me i didn't enjoy that at all. I think you should reduce the spawn rate of end game monsters, not too crazy, but enough to balanced it better, Always try to balanced end game item drop rates vs end game monsters that could spawn. I love having any monster can lurk around any corner but at the same time, Spawning in a tight room behind a cyberdemon with nothing but a pistol that's not ideal. So far you did a wonderful job with your mod, and im enjoying your work, Kudos for you man, Thank You for making this.
  2. I been trying to run Doom RPG SE mod for a whole week and i been unable to do that since im getting all kinds of errors. I there any easy to follow step by step tutorial on how to get this to work, i tried following all the steps on https://github.com/Sumwunn/DoomRPG And it just wont run, its giving me all kinds errors while parsing DECORATE scripts, and other errors as well...
  3. Thank You to whoever that was involved in making this, its an enjoyable experience. I hope to see in the future the fifth episode done for SIGIL too.
    One true AWESOME Wad wish an AMAZING concept, i really LOVE the idea behind this wad this was done Superbly Fantastic !!!
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