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Master Medi

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About Master Medi

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    Grim Angel
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  1. Thanks for letting me playtest this, was really fun and cool. Probably gonna give it a try on HMP soon-ish. I give my "very good shit brother" seal of approval
  2. Glad I was asked to playtest, quite fun and challenging. I'll give it my "very good shit brother" seal of approval
  3. Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone Map10 UV-Max in 2:40.74 - xch10m240.zip
  4. Está copada la arquitectura del mapa se ve bien y tiene bastante buen movimiento, el combate no me pareció lo más divertido pero gustos son gustos. Hay un par de secretos que no se pueden taggear
  5. Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone Map01 Pacifist in 0:15.31 - xch01p1531.zip
  6. Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone Map01 Pacifist in 0:15.60 - xch01p1560.zip
  7. After realizing that the idea was to write about what didn't make it to the cacowards and looking like a fool LIKE A FOOL I'll get another pick that matches more with the thread Exoterrestrial Map05 (Stellar Tides) by NoReason It's hard to pick a map from a NoReason set because I think all of the maps have their own cool fights and they look super polished, but I'm gonna go with Map05 because the last fight has an amazing arena and a lot of monsters so you can't just beat it with luck, you have to understand how to move around monsters, plan what resources you grab and what resources you save for later. It's hard but rewarding once you feel like you can circle strafe safely without getting blocked by flying monsters the battle is mostly over (unless you're me and you do great the first attempt, die to a dumb moment and you have to retry the fight for like 30 time) https://imgur.com/a/cQnT357
  8. There are plenty of maps I've played this year that I really liked but I only felt like talking about one in particular GARY.WAD (single map e1m1) by Gary Kwaak The map starts you off in a room with 4 weapons (BFG, Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher and Shotgun), you continue thru the level until you teleport into a room full of hitscan just to reduce your health a bit, the next teleport you take is where the fun starts, the first thing you see after the teleport is 2 barons that can't move because shotgunners were placed too close to them and they block their AI which means they cannot attack you, your goal with your very limited ammo is to kill only what's necessary to progress, using the stuck AI to kill the enemies that block your path you finally reach a teleport that puts you in a room with ammo and what seems to be a lift but unfortunately the lift doesn't lower so you're stuck there and that's where the map ends without being possible to finish (also there's no reachable exit lines :P) Anyways, I just really liked the idea of stuck monsters that can't attack (only if you're in melee range), low ammo and killing what's necessary to progress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aekJJ6u5ztA (Playthrough of GARY.WAD until the lift)
  9. The 12 Days of Doommas Map03 UV-Max in 3:20.17 - 12days03m320.zip Map03 Pacifist in 0:36.89 - 12days03p036.zip Map04 UV-Max in 0:46.86 - 12days04m046.zip Map05 UV-Max in 4:03.86 - 12days05m403.zip Map06 UV-Max in 10:08.60 - 12days06m1008.zip
  10. Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone Map13 Pacifist in 0:09.66 - xch13p966.zip
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