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About Starkiller

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  1. Grandmother on my Dad's side of the family had passed away last night. Not Covid, but a weakly circulating heart that she had after several accidents and huge stress she accumulated beginning from last year had finally taken its toll. Everyone is devastated. 


    I hate this godawful year so fucking much. 

  2. I kind of wish I haven't joined Doomworld. I feel that I didn't contribute anything to the community, or make any sensible topics. 


    If any visitors have feedback, please let me know. 

    1. CorianderCastor


      Your posts seem meaningful from where I'm standing.

  3. Really the mods block you from the everthing else? xD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Starkiller


      I have all the wait I can get. 

    3. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      They're just trying to remind you that you're their dog and you wear their leash. It's implied passively otherwise, but I guess they really wanted to shoehorn you into the kennel.

    4. Starkiller


      Fair point. 



  4. Why were you blocked from EE?

    1. Starkiller


      No idea. I didn't post any offensive content, and hold no grudge against anyone, but inexplicably silent banned. I contacted the mods about this, but no response. Maybe I posted too many debate topics, but that would be a stupid biased reason to ban me. 


      Did my new avatar give me away? 

    2. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      Lol, how neat.

    3. Starkiller


      Yeah. It sucks, but I have to just wait it out. 


  5. I can't access the Everything Else forums. When I go there, I get a "You do not have permission to view this forum" message, with the error code BMFF-F/1. I can still browse the other forums with no problems. Have I been banned, or is this a website error? 

  6. Unusual... 


    I seem to not have permission to view the Everything Else forums. Probably a website error. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. mun


      Depends on the offense, but still I don't think that you've did anything wrong.

    3. Starkiller


      Has anyone asked the mods what offense triggered my ban? I'm  curious about what they think I've done wrong.

    4. Starkiller


      I'm still blocked out of EE for two weeks now. The mods really need to uplift my ban and give me their honest reasons about what offense I committed. 

  7. How many starts have you killed untill now :o?

    1. Starkiller


      I can't keep count, lol. 

      Someday, I should run up a tally on how many demons I kill until I die on Ultra-Violence. 

  8. Cyan0s1s has exited the Doomworld, enter Lila Feuer.


    I had to say that. I apologize. 

    1. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      It is with heavy hand and heavy heart that cyan0s1s had to be taken out back and euthanized.

    2. Starkiller


      We'll all miss that name. 

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