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  1. ah well, that explains that lol thanks
  2. I feel like an idiot but I need some help with the formatting for the HUD. All I'm trying to do is have show_stats with kills and secrets only but I am apparently not putting the arguments in correctly. This is what I put in there, but it's not working doom ex stat_totals 2 8 bottom_left show_kills show_secrets I even tried switching them out and trying "vertical" just to see if that did anything and that doesn't work either. But if I put the arguments in any other position in the line the game won't boot giving me an "invalid hud component error"
  3. what do your video_stdout and mux_stdout txt files say, that might give some clues as to what's going wrong
  4. I just gave it whirl using the latest build and it output a file just fine. But I'm using ffmpeg and mp3 so I also have ffmpeg.exe and lame.exe/lame_enc.dll in the folder. these are my cfg settings and this is what my bat looks like
  5. I would love to have a choice to play as Doomgirl but tbh I don't see why she would have to play differently than Doomguy in order for her to be available to play. That's kinda weird and sounds like one of those things that ends up superficially Strong Female Protagonist and completely hollow. like, what the fuck does this even mean
  6. I don't know if it's technically a rando but I enjoyed playing through ultimate doom with d2ind1 to spice it up with doom 2 enemies and the super shotgun
  7. What's the use of 6x xBRZ if you have regular, blur everything out trilinear on anyways lol
  8. @beloko sorry for kinda necro-ing this, I just wanted to ask if you might consider migrating prboom+ to the new version that is being worked on over in the source port sub. Thanks!
  9. I guess I'm curious as someone who only interacts with prb+ as a demo player, what is it about prb+ in particular that you want to add demo destructive features (as in, not just like, sound and graphics renderer changes) to it instead of using a different port that already fills those needs
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