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Everything posted by SovereignX9

  1. I'm sure you'll be able to skip cutscenes, surely (hopefully) , even if it is a more cinematic game, I have trust in id that it won't be at Doom 3 levels. It worked a little better in 3 because it was slower, more methodical. But if we're kicking ass and running around with our chainsaw shield and then boom there's a Horizon Forbidden West type of cutscene that's unskippable... then there might be a serious pacing problem in this game. But id understands their audience and what they want, so I'm going to trust them and believe the cutscenes will be at least skippable.
  2. Doom: Sunlust Eternal, Back To Doom Saturn, Doom: The Scythe Ages, Eternal Doom of Eternal, Doom Revolution!, Double Doom Impact: Double Eternal
  3. I don't mind at all the new theme/direction it's taking. I think they mix it perfectly with Doom's known style. They don't overdue it here, not too much, but just enough to mesh with the original style well. Doing the same thing over and over again, it can work for the hardcore base of fans (us), but I think at some point things need to evolve. There definitely needs to be a balance though, don't become something you originally never were, but so far it looks like this game balances it well. I'm hyped for this. Hope I don't eat my words lol, but I have faith in id. One of the only studios that has managed to not only earn, but also keep my trust, in an industry of greed, deception, and lackluster/broken content
  4. This looks great. I'm super pumped for this. Can't wait to see more.
  5. GZDoom is the only sourceport that I use hardware in, my preference is and always has been software. Usually play GZDoom with hardware, "always mouselook" on, and Smooth Doom, or whatever big mod/ total conversion I choose. LZDoom and Chocolate Doom are my main sourceports, but if I'm in the mood for a fancy shmancy experience with like MetaDoom or my Hellrider + Colorful Hell combo, along with some big/detailed maps, I'll use GZDoom.
  6. Playing SNES Doom back when I was a wee lad, I legit remember a cacodemon in E1M2, when you go up the stairs to get the red keycard. I've come to the conclusion that my stupid child brain memory got that mixed up with E2M1, on UV when there's a caco up on the platform of the ascending steps making a stairway.
  7. iddqdeez nuts (safe to say, I've really outdone myself with this one)
  8. I replay Ultimate Doom often, probably once every 2 weeks. Usually Episode 1, but will replay episode 2 and 3 maybe once a month or so. Epsiode 4 once every couple months. I've played Knee Deep In The Dead so many times I can be on auto-pilot 80% of the time during playing it, while listening to a podcast or youtube video, and do fairly well while still enjoying it, it just never really gets old for me. Doom 2, not so much. Once I get to map 12 I just kinda zone out, idk. I really enjoy Doom 2's early levels, later on not so much. I replay Final Doom more frequently than I do Doom 2.
  9. This is it... This is exactly how I remember it, this is wonderful. Absolute banger of a main menu.
  10. I would 100% play this. Absolutely loved C&C3 and C&C N64.
  11. "Doom Wick"....... Alright Doomworld, y'all need to make this. Absolutely wonderful.
  12. I would absolutely love this... Mass Effect along with it's original trilogy are some of my all-time favorite games... basically combining 2 of my favorite games together would be absolutely beautiful. I would pay money for this. I'd love also a potential option that you would be able to choose which gender of shepard you could be, and have player dialogue during gameplay depending on whether you're maleshep or femshep. When pressing the exit switch to end the level, hearing Shepard say "I should go" would make me feel complete in life, and also make me burst out laughing.
  13. I usually don't care much for main menu's, and this is kind of a random thing to talk about, but sometimes a main menu can set the mood for what you're about to sink hours of your life into, and Doom 3's Xbox port had a fantastic main menu. Lots of what seems to be burnt flesh mixed with satanic designs, sound effects of voices whispering and other creepy voices, little clips of gameplay footage in these little hexagon-shaped frames subtly playing below the text, whenever you navigate the menu, the highlighted text would glow a fiery tan-ish color with the text becoming engulfed in flames, it was metal as f*ck. The cherry on top is when you'd start the game, before being sent to the main menu the game would play this badass video of gameplay with the theme song playing, while also showing off Xbox Live's co-op feature for the game. Does anyone else remember this badassery? The og PC version of the main menu doesn't even hold a candle to the Xbox version, and the BFG Edition's is basically kinda the same thing as the og PC version.
  14. That sounds AWESOME dude. I hope one day you'll be able to finish it, I'll definitely play it. Mental block is definitely one of the most annoying things.
  15. Very interesting, gochya. I would most definitely play your idea of a conversion. I remember watching Civvie's Alien Resurrection video a while back, I think that style and gameplay could be implemented into a conversion very well in my opinion. If I remember correctly that game had a good balance of horror and shoot-em-up.
  16. Only Alien game I've ever played was Isolation, never played the conversions (was never really a hardcore Alien fan or anything). Might have to give them a shot though. Just out of curiosity, why do you not care for them? Is just kinda not Alien enough in a sense? I do know Aliens TC has been around for quite a while. If the community ever makes an Alien conversion that's very similar to the gameplay and style of Isolation then I'd def try it.
  17. Honestly surprised it hasn't been a thing yet tbh
  18. What's an idea of a Total Comversion that you'd love to play/wish to see come to light one day? For me it'd be a conversion of Cyberpunk 2077 into Doom. It'd have its own custom textures, weapons, enemies, all from the lore of the Cyberpunk universe. Lower to mid tier enemies could be certain gangs of Night City along with the NCPD, higher tier enemies could be MaxTac and/or Cyberpsycho's, and like the Cyberdemon could be replaced with Adam Smasher or someone, legends as boss enemies (people who haven't played the game will absolutely no idea what I'm talking about lol) Would also love cyberware and upgrade implementation, with enemies that have varied attack strategies evened out by your potential to upgrade yourself with different perks and cyberware. All this mixed in with classic dooms fast run and gun style. I'd imagine it's own map pack that it could come with, or you could boot it up with a wad like Hell Bound. That's my dream/fantasy total conversion. What's yours?
  19. Until I was about 18 I had been on and off this site since I was about 9ish years old. Only had internet when I'd go to my grandma's house and I would lurk on here, as well as Realm667 (I thought the custom enemies and stuff were SO cool at the time, and I still do) while also watching Doom vids on Newgrounds and YouTube. I'd also play Doom Shareware on Silver Games, and played this like 2D side scrolling doom game thing. Can't fully remember what it was called, I think it was actually just called Doom 2D or something. Would always lurk until 2018 when I decided to make an account here and then started posting not too long afterward. Around that time was when I had gotten my first real PC and started playing with sourceports and downloading mods and wads and the like. For years I had only watched videos and seen pictures of the vast vast amounts of content that Doom has, and once I got my computer it was now at my fingertips, ready to be played. Aaaaand now I'm here, who still lurks lol and has finally started making my first set of maps. I've never had real good PCs or anything, but a lot of Doom sourceports are very flexible with performance, so I'm usually able to enjoy most forms of content. (Also Chocolate Doom, cause I still love vanilla Doom while also being able to bind keys and being able to always run) I want to definitely start posting and having conversations with the community more on here. I'm really introverted even online so I am still a lurker at heart (just cause you lurk doesn't necessarily mean you're an introvert) and I don't post often, but I'm gonna change that.
  20. Decided to start Back To Saturn X E1 again. Played it about halfway-ish a while back but never got to finishing it. Once I beat it, gonna start E2.
  21. Quite the relaxing yet engaging mod. Coming home from a long days work, booting these two up, spawning in my doggo, messing around with the paint gun, and hitting some shots is quite the experience, especially with a podcast or youtube video playing in the background. 10/10 would recommend. Brutal Friends is a great mod on its own as well. Love the variety of allies you could potentially have, and almost kinda turns Doom into some sort of Co-op shooter in a weird way, with bots that is. They're basically kinda like Skyrim followers, they just follow you around close-by unless you give them commands to like stay in position, etc. Something about it though just makes me happy. You're usually alone on your journey's in Doom, it's nice to have some buddies backing you up. It could potentially make the game a bit too easy if you have like an army of them, so I recommend installing a mod like MetaDoom or Colorful Hell to even things out a bit and give your foes an edge, or just play Brutal Doom, which the mod was originally intended to be played with, or just play on Nightmare. Hellshots Golf is loads o' fun. It's... golf... in Doom... but it's really cool! Sick level designs with different obstacles, and the paint gun is an awesome feature to dick around and have fun with. One of my favorite past times with my dad is to play golf, the sport itself is fun, so mixing the way I feel about it with Doom is just great. Love these two mods, if you've never played these before I highly recommend them.
  22. I appreciate this post, even if I'm a few days late. I am 100% a lurker, but do enjoy consuming the massive amount of doom content that this community creates. I love viewing forums and an active community of my most favorite game franchise of all time. The fact that it is so alive after all these decades is what especially feels great to me. Doom has always been a part of my life, and I don't think that will ever change. It almost feels like it's a part of me, like some sort of personality trait that I have (that may not be the right term for it, and sounds kinda corny, but that's just how it feels to me). My three favorite Doom content creators are Doomkid, Zero Master, and Vinesauce Joel (his mapping contests specifically) (Civvie 11, Decino, and Karl Jobst are honorable mentions as well) and I just love reading things on here. I love that John Romero made Sigil, played Doom Eternal and MyHouse.wad, and just how active he can be as well. I just love this community, and the amazing content everyone creates. I made a post years ago about Doom Eternal and how everyone was hyped for it coming out, and mentioned that I had started learning/working on map creating. That's been on and off since then, but I've finally begun to dedicate legitimate time to a 24 level wad called "Siege & Prevail" which will purely use vanilla assets with limit removing functionality. It's gonna essentially be my love letter to the franchise and ideas I've had for a "enhanced vanilla" style of gameplay and level design. I know that's been done hundreds upon hundreds of times but it'll be my spin on it. Anywho I'm getting a bit off track, thank you for posting this. I don't feel obligated necessarily to give back to the community, I want to give back, and I plan on doing so soon. I really enjoy writing, so I plan on playing through, then posting intricate and detailed reviews of my favorite wads, mods, total conversions, and everything in between.
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