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About RevanTCO

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  1. That is exactly what I thought when I saw the stake launcher. Looks awesome.
  2. I learned of this game's existence thanks to Shenpai's video on Portal Runners (The girlfriend's spinoff). Anyways, this is what I've been listening to:
  3. Oh my god, thank you so much! I accidentally mapped like three different actions to one button.
  4. Does anyone have a copy of Convilution? The link's dead.
  5. ¡Por la Verdura Maestra, ya salió! ¡Larga vida a la EÑE! ÑÑÑÑÑ
  6. Can AceCorp Launcher use .ogg files for custom skin sound effects, or can it only use .wav?
  7. I'm surprised "Maps of Chaos" and "The Ultimate Doom II" haven't being mentioned.
  8. The radar and full-screen minimap suffer from graphical bugs when used with Doom Roguelike Arsenal.
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