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About Fadri

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  1. Thanks to ITYTD's half damage, I beat Dimensions Map01 without saves a few years ago, when I was worse at the game than I am today (but I haven't tried beating that map at a higher difficulty yet xP).
  2. I'm late here, but glad this has been released and to have my first map in a community wad! :P
  3. Yo sugeriría que quizás se creara un hilo aquí sobre el tema para que se entere más gente (mucha gente a la que podría interesarle participar podría no entrar en este hilo).
  4. Si se realiza un HCP, a mí también me gustaría poder formar parte. xP Sería una forma de que saliera algo bueno gracias a la existencia del Gaturro de las narices.
  5. Well, definitively the way you knew about the game for the first time is going to be hard to beat by anyone in a long time! XD It's sad you were too late to know your biological father in person, though. My condolences. About your map, I'm surprised how good it feels (a very classic feeling gameplay wise) even thought you're saying you haven't played that much Doom and, watching your answers in this thread, you seem to be not familiar with a lot of concepts, like people playing with mods that change the look of the game or the weapons. Another interesting thing about the map is how full of unmarked ~kind-of-secrets~ is, and also has all those "Doom cute" computer panels everywhere. (Are you already been told about "Doom cute"? Am I the first one to tell you about it? xD). Anyway, I completed your map. XD I hope you will keep making more because this was fun!
  6. Fadri

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Doom 2 is better because is the one I played when I was a teen.
  7. In a modern game, an arrow telling the way would have been disguised as an enviromental storytelling element, like making it fresh painted and with the text "survivors here" or something. The only weird thing about the arrow in Downtown is that it's very abstract... but everything in Doom is. :P
  8. Don't worry, you can still make arrows out of health or armor bonuses, that was done in Doom Episode 1, so it can't be critiqued.
  9. An arrow telling you where to go? Zero out of ten.
  10. Maybe "A boy and his barrel"? (Violet the barrel wears a bow).
  11. Good thing I decided to go against adding pain elementals to the final battle at the end as I first intended. XD I added a pair of small blue... "pillars", I guess, that appear when the trapdoor is opened, so that should be it now! 666crets-MAP21.zip
  12. Well, I opened the map in Doom Builder trying to find that last secret and I found it was a very small sector touching the armor bonus secret (I think it can't be triggered). Also, the health bonus that seemed to mark where a secret was, it's just in an unreachable area and can't be collected. :P
  13. I forgot I made a demo of this map. XD I win, but it's not like I learn a strategy or anything, it just happens. Sledgehammer.zip
  14. Here's a demo, played with PRBoom+ (with saves). The cyberdemon room took me way too much tries... Also, I spent a long time at the end looking for the last secret, but I got tired and ended the map without it. :P IxionMines.zip
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