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About Tycitron

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  1. God if you did Doom 2 someday i would die happy. I'm not a huge fan of the one that exists because it's a 3d model but pixelated and it's hard to tell what the arrow is pointing at and it doesn't match Doom 1's intermission map art style. But regardless im excited for whatever one you make next!
  2. Sigil 2 intermission map next already??? dang we're being spoiled hard!
  3. YESSS i've been waiting for something like this for so long!! it even has the same look / graphics feel as the original intermission maps! something which i think a lot of other intermission maps fail to do. Although i wonder if a widescreen version of this intermission map / the thy flesh consumed map exist? would be nice to have to match the other widescreen assets. Regardless amazing work!
  4. Wasnt there like 40+ unused songs for Doom 1? some of them sounded really good and they could have used them i think. But then again i guess them being unused means there was a reason for it lol.
  5. Nevermind i figured out how to install it and get it to work but there are so many issues going on. Lots of cutoff and low pitch instruments going on. it worked well the first time i launched it now its like eternally broken. Also it seems to lack some instruments? like some midis i listened to some instruments that would normally play dont play.

  7. Oh, something i've been wanting to ask about or "report" is that i found both MAP06 and MAP12 both have soft-lock areas in vanilla CO-OP. i was playing the wad with a friend through crispy doom. If there is someway to bypass these or if im just incredibly stupid let me know, it's just something that happened while playing coop that was annoying.
  8. Ah, i love your mini reviews of each map and putting in possible story implications in as well. It helps me understand what the plot of the wad actually is and highlights the good parts of the levels!
  9. Yeah im aware, but man the Adrian / ingame version looks so much cooler and it makes me sad :( But oh well.
  10. Mannnn somewhat unrelated but why didn't they go with the Adrian model for Classic Doomguys armor in Doom Eternal and other places! It looks so much better! Anyways, these models are amazing! People said Classic Dooms demons would be too silly looking to be intimidating but you did an AMAZING job turning that Imp 3D and making it look threatening!
  11. The closest thing to this i can remember is asking him what he thought of TNT on one of his SIGIL 2 streams, and i remember him saying that he really likes it and Plutonia and how he was the one who made the deal and whatnot, but idk if he played it anytime in the past decade or two lol.
  12. I really love this mod, but i was wondering: will you ever include missing sprite rotations for the monsters / player sprites? cause they are an unused alpha/beta graphics that (for some reason) went unused in the final game. I'm sorry if you've seen this question before, i'm just really curious. Also one more thing, well it's kind of more of a suggestion, but wouldn't it make sense for the shotgun pickup sprite in the mod to use the old alpha 0.4 version to match the "new" hud sprite for the shotgun? it matches up better than the retail shotgun pickup sprite with the little bit on top of the barrel poking out. Regardless, this is an amazing mod and i love it to pieces, it's really nice to have a mod add in old beta stuffs in a complete state, and now all we need is a mapset that uses the old doom alpha textures to make actual "alpha" levels to use this mod with haha.
  13. YESSS LET'S GOOO!!!!! so happy for everyone finally being able to release this WAD fully! Now i can finally watch MtPain27's review of it when its out haha.
  14. Wait what the thing is fully done now? It's still on beta6 rn.
  15. No, Sigil is John Romeros semi-official 5th episode which is directly after Thy Flesh Consumed as stated here:
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