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About Devils950003

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  1. PSX Doom...was awesome, especially at the time it was released. The gritty look and feel and a soundtrack that I still rank as one of the best of all time just felt so completely right. I didn't really have much exposure to the PC version until I played it on my 360, so I didn't realize what I was missing. The XBLA (360) and Switch versions pretty much killed PSX Doom for me...just too hard to go back to the stripped-down console levels of earlier Doom I ports, and I've gotten plenty spoiled by higher resolutions and consistent frame rates...also great to be chilling on a couch or in bed and playing a terrific version of Doom on a handheld (ditto Doom 64). One thing that I find impossible to do is to play any version of Doom without Aubrey's compositions...of course I'd also prefer to play the Switch version with the updated sound effects as well, but I can live with the originals (though that plasma rifle sound effect...the worst). I do miss that flaming sky...that was a killer touch. Also think that some of the levels being shortened in the console versions was a good thing...levels like Spawning Vats and the Containment Area really drag in the PC version. And PSX Tower of Babel has a much more foreboding feel to it than its PC counterpart (not to mention I always liked the Mancubi being a part of that level in the PSX version...also liked Doom II enemies appearing in Doom I maps). I have a PSOne with a screen, which is what I used to play PSX Doom since around 2005 or so...might have to give it another whirl sometime. Nerfed or not, was always kinda fun to have Revenants in Doom I levels.
  2. Started with the Jag version, almost didn't buy the PSX version because I figured "Even with Doom II, I already played it." Glad I bought it...I loved PSX Doom and it was my favorite version until the 360 version came out...having NEVER played the PC version, I saw all that was missing from the PSX version...and of course, 360 Doom had increased resolution and a much improved and more stable frame rate. I haven't been able to go back to PSX Doom since, even though there's so much to like about that one (the lighting, generally creepier atmosphere, etc). I'll always have a major soft spot for it. As someone whose first Doom soundtrack experience was comprised solely of Aubrey Hodges' excellent soundtrack, that's the only way I can play it...so now when I play on the Nintendo Switch, in handheld mode, I simply have Hodges' brilliance playing through a laptop beside me...the MIDI stuff sounds silly to me and completely takes me out of the game. Wish I could play the Switch version with Hodges' sound effects as well, but I can live with the originals.
  3. PSX Doom will always have a special place in my heart. Having only played the Jag version to that point, it completely blew me away. Loved the revamped sounds and especially that soundtrack. And I think some of the levels being shortened was actually a good thing. I might give it a try for the hell of it sometime...I still own a copy and a PSOne with a screen. Can’t go back to it now (the Switch version is just too good), but I must have Hodges’ extended mix tracks playing whenever I’m enjoying some handheld Doom action. That soundtrack holds up beautifully, 25 years later.
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