Started with the Jag version, almost didn't buy the PSX version because I figured "Even with Doom II, I already played it." Glad I bought it...I loved PSX Doom and it was my favorite version until the 360 version came out...having NEVER played the PC version, I saw all that was missing from the PSX version...and of course, 360 Doom had increased resolution and a much improved and more stable frame rate. I haven't been able to go back to PSX Doom since, even though there's so much to like about that one (the lighting, generally creepier atmosphere, etc). I'll always have a major soft spot for it.
As someone whose first Doom soundtrack experience was comprised solely of Aubrey Hodges' excellent soundtrack, that's the only way I can play now when I play on the Nintendo Switch, in handheld mode, I simply have Hodges' brilliance playing through a laptop beside me...the MIDI stuff sounds silly to me and completely takes me out of the game. Wish I could play the Switch version with Hodges' sound effects as well, but I can live with the originals.