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About ASaltShaker

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  1. I don't mean mods that give you super overpowered weapons like Russian Overkill, but rather mods that give the weapons some kind of extra 'oomph' or kick that enhances their power. Something like Eviternity's pistol, but for the whole arsenal preferably. I don't mind if the weapons are changed as long as they feel similar to the base game.
  2. Well I try to be better. I'd like to be good enough to beat super difficult wads on UV like Sunlust at least once. Still haven't beat Scythe MAP30 though, so I guess it'll be a pipe dream until I start getting better. Despite that, my favorite wads seem to be the ones that I can finish a good majority of the maps in one go without much difficulty such as Nostalgia or Scythe's first 20 maps.
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