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About Darox

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Man that's an unfortunate effect happening with the exit. Can I ask what port you're using? It should be a voodoo doll telefragging another doll while a third passes over a w1 exit line one tick later and worked fine for me in prboom & gz, but it clearly didn't work properly there. Thanks a bunch for the video though, it was great to watch.
  2. Hey HAK, it's been over two years but I finally got around to making a third map and I'd love to see you play it. PrBoom -cl 11, it takes about 5 minutes for me to do a casual UV-max but results may vary.
  3. It's just the one map, but I achieved my goal of mapping every day and managed to get a finished product I'm happy with. Thanks for the WadMo @Ryath
  4. Blast Processing is a short and explosive single map with a strong focus on barrels, created during NanoWadMo as part of a larger planned mapset. It's my third map release and the first in Boom format. DOWNLOAD Warning - This map uses DeHackEd to modify some Things and may not work properly with mods. Intended for MBF-Boom format, tested in PrBoom+ complevel 11 & GZDoom Jump & Crouch are disabled by mapinfo, Freelook is allowed but not intended Difficulty settings are fully implemented - All difficulties have similar monster counts but HMP & HNTR have increasingly more health & ammo and some monsters are downgraded to less threatening variants Monster changes - Lost Souls have only 25% of their normal health but move faster and attack more frequently, Barons of Hell have been replaced by an Imp variant with a more dangerous attack. Asset Credits: Additional textures come from OTex, CC4, GothicTX, GreenwarII & Jimmytex. The modified imp sprite is from Realm667. The music is Sturms Theme from Advance Wars. DOWNLOAD The best part of mapping is getting to see others play, so any and all demos/videos are especially appreciated! Speaking of, here's my UV clear if you're interested. drx-BlastProcessingUV.zip
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