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Peter Heinemann

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About Peter Heinemann

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    Marathon Man
    Forum Regular

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  1. Yup, I am back after... well, it has been over a year, since I visited Doomworld the last time - I took a break from Doom and the community. Then (I am somewhat sentimental) I was afraid that Doomworld could have become a totally different place, and that´s why I simply did not dare visit Doomworld. So many memories...

    You cannot imagine how happy I feel to see so many of the old Doomers here, still caring about Doom/Doom2 and the community. So many people I talked to for years.

    Still I am on the Mac (Dooh). Does anyone remember our rumbles about the proofed superiority (just kidding) of the MacOS over Windows?

    Just a few days ago, I checked some of the old WADs on my harddrive and it felt so intense, it truly sucked me into the tube (still no fancy TFT panel here).

    I think I am back, back to Doom and of course my beloved Doomworld ^_^

    Hey, what are the actual addresses for the channels #zdoom and #doom? Where are they if they are still around?

    Does anyone remember me?

    From Germany with love.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Job


      I was a spamming n00b when you still visited these boards. Now I'm a spamming moderator. What's up Heinie?

    3. Lizardcommando


      You remember me, don't you???

      'cause I like remember seeing you around here.

    4. gatewatcher


      Danarchy said:

      Kat is still a man.

      Assuming he hasn't been stabbed and dumped in a lake somewhere in Texas, then yeah. Heh, what ever happened to Auxois?

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