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About Archanhell

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    † The Seventh Vermillion Rose †

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  1. One of the more recent tracks that I constany listen to along this one:
  2. Not limiting myself to DooM/Doom, I can talk about how many, many games out there can feel repetitive, yet their mods and user-made content makes the game feel fresh again over and over, giving the players unlimited choices to enjoy the game they wish to without getting bored. This is very notorious with sandbox games like Minecraft and Terraria, which despite being sandbox and all (Exploit your creativity and do whatever you want), they end up getting boring after a while and you must get mods or stuff to keep having fun. DooM is the same, at least the classic games, when you finish the campaign and all, unless you give yourself fun challenges like "I will play without saving and healing throughout all first episode" or "The only method for fighting will be having friendly demons", then you will end up getting bored after completing the main game and all. But that's where the community comes in, kicking the door and throwing a big pile of gold on the floor, for us. That is, mods, Total Conversions, new campaigns, pseudo-TCs, gameplay mods and other kind of WADs (Like reskins, but I guess that would count as a pseudo-TC), which is one of the reasons Doom as a whole has been thriving for so, so many years, because every day there is a new chance of replayability, new experiences and fun moments to have, because there is SO MUCH community content out there made with love, and every day there is ALSO someone who wakes up and says "Today I will break the limits of this engine" just to allow us playing Total Chaos on a fridge or something, you know, that's the beauty and marvel of this game. So that's why DooM is not really repetitive, not since the day we got to enjoy what others offer to us with a smile.
  3. what's a concert <-- has never been to a single music concert in the entire life (so far)
  4. Hello, sorry for my late answer, I have been busy and not checked DoomWorld too much- Yup! I checked it, it seems a bit complicated to set up, but I still downloaded it just in case, I sadly have not had time to continue my map much, so I have not had the chance to do it.
  5. Hello and good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are. I have searched around for some Texture Packs (Namely, Ghostbusters, OTEX, Duke Nukem 3D?, Redneck Rampage, Max Payne and I think Counter Strike textures) which has an urban or modern theme mainly, because I want to see if I can aim for a Liminal Space map as a personal project. However, I wanted to come here to ask if anyone knew more packs aside of the ones I mentioned which can fit with the aesthetics all of us know about. I will post a few images here belonging to what I am searching for especifically. If anyone has a good idea about a pack (Not loose textures), I will be very happy to know, this is all I need before making a single map based on this aesthetic alone, the rest of things have been planned out kind of.
  6. I would have answered this differently if the question was aimed as something more 'general' and not just for Vainilla DooM, so this makes it a bit harder but also fun to answer. So like, we have many examples of 'cool' superweapons across the series: Beta BFG, The Unmaker, The Soul Cube, the Crucible and that one weapon which could summon portals or something like that, no idea what its name was but looked hellish. I can't go around and say "Oh yeah, I want a massive 10-barrel Super Shotgun-chaingun which shoots explosive shells which also explodes on BFG balls" because what I would love to see is something more fitting to the DooM universe and that either Hell or UAC WOULD actually make for logical reasons. On that case, if we went for UAC Route (100% completed all endings), a weapon which absorbed the energy on its surroundings, charging up like the BFG but NOT shooting until you release the trigger to shoot a projectile depending on the energy it absorbed would be cool. This would mean that whether you absorb thermal energy, demon's (Like what Hell Knights, Barons of Hell, Arachnotrons, etc shoot), plasma, and the like, it would shoot a different kind of projectile (Beams, balls, many lasers like some kind of chaingun, and more...), which would be fun to see. How it would work on Vainilla Doom? It simply would not- It's complicated but it still sounds cool and fitting, hypothetically, maybe when there are many Imps shooting theri you would hold left click, absorbing all its fireballs and charging some kind of gauge, when it's full, you release the trigger and shoot it all. You would not be able to absorb other kind of energy until the one you are using is depleted. For a Hell-based weapon, maybe one which looks like a skeletical version of the Unmaker on its first phase, and let me explain this. This weapon would only be usable if you are around many demonic corpses (Or probably also dead props), holding left click would raise the bodies and, through demonic energy, "chain" itself to all the corpses, pulling them towards the weapon and using their flesh to assemble the weapon itself, gaining enough mass, then it can start to shoot Hellblood, a special kind of ammo which manifests itself as a darker tone of blood, the weapon slowly losing mass until it goes back to its skeletical phase.
  7. This is the first time I hear of an Arknights fan on the DoomWorld community, that overjoys me to meet a fellow Doctor lol! Yes, I will be sure to find time to play! I do not have Boom so I would go for GZDoom when the moment comes, as well, I'll see if it's possible to record a playthrough, otherwise I will just give feedback!
  8. I was working on a WAD/pseudo-mod with this theme, until my PC got formatted and lost the progress I had, it was called Entering The Impending Chaos or ETIC. Besides that, I was also working on a pseudo-TC called The Chaotic Tides of Agrazoth or TCTOA, but it's on an undefinite hiatus. I don't know horror WADs per se though, sadly. Unloved is a great one, along City of the Damned.
  9. "i want to make a map" gets a theme "i need music" gets music "lines go brr" and map's done, nothing complicated, although finding music is the only hard part. that and when i stop working on them out of nowhere, but then i return to them, although i have not continued my experimental maps yet.
  10. It's funny how the name of this WAD reminds me 100% to Arknights's main concept, a disease called Oripathy, but I guess that is a mere coincidence. If it is not, that is awesome, but regardless, the maps seem very nice and, while I have not had time to play much DooM as of lately, if I get some time, I will give it a look, that is, if I remember because I am extremely forgetful.
  11. I think I am a relatively recent player, having started around 2012 when I met DooM through Newgrounds, although I am sure I knew about it before, I loved it so so much that I instantly got ZDaemon and it was a biiiig part of my life, with the LA Space Station servers where I was rather popular and a good player, Deathmatch, Teh_Base.wad, Invasions, etc. I recently got Zandronum like, around 2018 or 2019 maybe, but before that ZDaemon was deader than dead. But I am here and used to have an account on ZDoom Forums (But I hate the reactivation thing so I stick around here), playing mods and with friends. Thanks for coming to my DW Talk.
  12. Oh! Yeah then, in that case, that was much harder for me.
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