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Dark Pulse

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Everything posted by Dark Pulse

  1. I mean, it's fairly obvious: Duke would've come along, blown people out of the water, and we'd be looking at 3D engines based on 3D Realms instead. Maybe the original late 90s version of Prey would've happened. Who knows.
  2. Well, let's ask some European folks a similar question. "What if Tiertex and US Gold were revived and rebooted into a modern video company?"
  3. You sure about that? If a texture is 256 tall, 256 is still a multiple of 128, so I think it'd still tile. I could be wrong on that of course, but I know for a fact textures that are more or less than 128 will show tutti-fruti on a wall that's not the height of the texture or less. If it's 64 tall, you're fine from 1-64. 65-128, you have tutti-fruiti. 129, the texture begins tiling again. If it were, say, 192 tall, it'd be fine up to there, tutti-fruti from 193-256, and then tile again at 257. Or at least, that's how I think it works. If I'm wrong, so be it. :P
  4. I believe that length doesn't matter at all (I think there's Vanilla textures longer than 256), but that height must be a multiple of 128 - the vertical tiling logic, unlike the horizontal logic, only works on multiples of that, so 128, 256, 384, etc. will work but not 192, for example. Anything more or less can cause tutti-fruti effect on anything that shows more of the wall than the texture itself covers until it reaches the next multiple of 128. If you put up a short texture like, say, STEP2, on a wall that's taller than 8 high, that's why you'll get 8 pixels of actual texture and 120 pixels of tutti-fruti, until it hits 128, and then it will tile again. Though this also would only apply to Vanilla and/or source ports that try to closely replicate it (i.e; Chocolate Doom). Most source ports fix this.
  5. Forgiving is noble, but some things are simply unforgivable. If someone called me a name, that's one thing. If someone killed my kid, that's a whole other ballgame.
  6. Those extra two days help me like you wouldn't believe, since I've been fighting what might well be a case of post-COVID messing with my guts and it's been having me be wiped out much of the week so far. At least I've got an easy and breezy workday Friday, but I gotta get through a long workday tomorrow first... Just to clarify: Is that deadline Saturday-into-Sunday midnight, or Sunday-into-Monday midnight?
  7. There's a few tells with this: Note the trick was submitted by "W. A. Stokins" (that is, "Waste Tokens") from "Fuldigen, HA" (that is, "Fooled Again, Ha.") But yes, this is literally the joke that created Akuma. Then they did it once again, as someone else said, but this time, for Street Fighter III - fittingly enough, alongside a picture of Akuma. They were SLIGHTLY more subtle this time - but if you read the first letter of every sentence in the first two paragraphs, it's spelled out clear as day. And that, kids, is how we finally got Sheng Long years later.
  8. If it's jailbroken, it should be possible. If it's not, of course not.
  9. That would (or should) be "Indexed Mode." Basically, should be as simple as selecting that mode, and then entering the colors that the Doom palette uses. It allows you to enter entries in hex triplets, so it should be fairly trivial to enter it. You can then save the palette in the hamburger menu right above the palette. Here's the actual palette, with palette index numbers for reference: Note: All 256 indexes are used. A popular (but mistaken) assumption is that Index 247 is not used; it is, in fact, used, in particular by some Doom II graphics. Transparency is done by a completely different method (basically, flagging one color of the sprite as a transparent color on a sprite-by-sprite basis), but all colors are viable and usable.
  10. It means exactly as it says. You either do not have a sprite named MISL (which is the four letters) with a second frame of animation (the B), or you did something messed up in your splode.txt that you're using. Check both. The reason you're probably running into this error is that the default missile sprite isn't animated at all: MISLA1, MISLA8A2, MISLA7A3, MISLA6A4, MISLA5. It basically has five frames that cover all eight standard rotations, but that's it; there is no animation. You're specifically calling frames that would begin with MISLB, MISLC, MISLD, and MISLE - which don't exist in your PK3, and so GZDoom bombs, while UDB wags its finger at you. Doom sprite naming follows a very specific format. It's basically NAMEFA[FA]. The name is arbitrary, F is an animation frame (A-Z, then [, \, and ] for 29 frames maximum), A is an angle of 1-8 that turns the sprite in 45 degree angles clockwise with 1 starting as directly facing the player (unless it's a sprite that always faces the player in which case the angle is 0), and the second FA is optional and is for the purposes of sprite mirroring at a different angle without needing an entire new sprite. The basic thing to remember is that the first four letters/numbers are the actual sprite "name," while the last 2-4 letters/numbers tell the engine specific things about when to display that particular sprite, and are NOT considered part of the sprite name. For example: TROOA2A8. TROO: The actual sprite name. This can be anything. A2: The first frame of animation (A), for sprite angle 2 (45 degree angle to the left). A8: This sprite is a special case. The same frame should be done, but mirrored, for angle 8 (45 degrees to the right/315 degrees total). The second frame of animation for both of those angles would thus be TROOB2B8, the third TROOC2C8, and so on. A more in-depth explanation, along with some things that are ZDoom enhancements, can be found on the ZDoom wiki page for Sprites.
  11. I'll see if I can crank something out over the weekend, though admittedly it doesn't help the deadline is just before my vacation would begin. :P I already got a name in mind, at least.
  12. Hell yeah, Skyblazer! Beat that one as a kid. Hidden gem. Solid soundtrack, too. (Also it has the word "breast" in it, which is kind of surprising since Nintendo of America was still in full "censor it all" mode for a few more years yet.)
  13. I had a definite idea behind my map, and thanks to this WAD, it's actually even more hilarious in hindsight.
  14. I've seen tools that could extract the models and their textures, but not the level textures.
  15. For those using uBlock Origin, just keep an eye on this. https://drhyperion451.github.io/does-uBO-bypass-yt/ If they match, uBO has been updated, and adblock should work. If it doesn't, try refreshing the lists - or wait awhile for it to be updated.
  16. It's a DECORATE script, so you create a text file in your WAD with DECORATE definitions. https://zdoom.org/wiki/DECORATE As noted, though, it's been more or less superceded by ZScript. You can still use it, but it's basically not recommended. It's not all that hard to convert it to ZScript once you have a bit more knowledge though, especially for really simple stuff like this.
  17. Hmm, fair enough. I do remember some things being mentioned about how monster closets needed special handling and the like for certain effects, but I'm probably talking about it with incomplete information in some way. But basically the gist I was trying to get to Yonko is that it's never going to be as simple as "Rip out Helion's renderer and slap it into GZDoom." The latter basically needs to handle a lot more stuff that is currently (and possibly permanently) beyond Helion's scope, and any sort of merging of the two would probably require some very significant modifications to code that might be difficult or even impossible due to fundamental assumptions that might not always be true or whatever.
  18. That's what the States block defines. COIN = the name of the sprite A = Animation frame (stuff with no animation will only ever have A) -1 = Duration in tics for it to last (-1 = forever) Stop = No further processing needed (i.e; to animate) So the sprite it would look for in your WAD would be COINA0, since it doesn't animate and is the same sprite from every rotation. (The number after the Animation frame defines the direction - 0 for only ever facing one direction, 1-8 for classic Doom rotations in 45-degree amounts; 1-F if you are making use of ZDoom's 22.5 degree rotation capability for 16 rotational frames.) See here for more information. Here's the Health Bonus, for another frame of reference: ACTOR HealthBonus : Health { +COUNTITEM +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 200 Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOTHTHBONUS" // "Picked up a health bonus." States { Spawn: BON1 ABCDCB 6 Loop } } Do note this is DECORATE scripting, though. ZScript will be slightly different.
  19. That's a mod of some sort. There are absolutely no coins in the original games. You'd have to figure out what mod they're from.
  20. Considering the utterly different design methodologies behind Helion versus GZDoom, I'll just make this pretty clear: That will be impossible. It's not like GZDoom is doing things in a dumber way and Helion's renderer is the obvious solution, it's that Helion is doing things in a different way that is basically incompatible with the original renderer. Helion is an engine that is designed to run Doom games very fast by essentially doing all rendering fundamentally differently, but this absolutely crushes things that rely on that rendering (there's a reason that if you go back in this thread you see people documenting rendering tricks that are/were broken in Helion) until it is dealt with on a case-by-case basis. GZDoom is more of an engine that also just so happens to run Doom in addition to providing capabilities beyond and above it, but is going to still be obedient to the basic rendering concepts behind it, and as a result it should more or less work with most of the ways that mappers used and abused the engine with no extra work needed. Basically, ultra-fast rendering at the cost of zero compatibility for anything it does not explicitly handle, or considerably more expansion potential at the cost of rendering things the old-fashioned way: Pick one.
  21. Because they chose to do it as a WAD, likely for compatibility with source ports that can handle the audio but not PK3 files. GZDoom is not the only source port out there. Just load it like any other WAD (generally, by dragging-and-dropping onto the executable, or via a command line), or use some sort of launcher/frontend to add it. It should simply work.
  22. There's other map creation tools that might help, too. For example, one of the most popular ones (Ultimate Doom Builder) lets you look at "Sound Propagation Mode," which basically shows you how far away a player attack in that sector would alert monsters in other sectors. If the area has the same color, a player attack will wake up any/all monsters in that area (unless they are flagged Deaf/Ambush - in which case, they will stay put and activate as soon as the player is within a direct 360-degree line-of-sight of the monster). You can mouse over individual sectors/areas and it will only show the ones where a sound would be heard from that point in the map.
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